




1.暗金色 黑暗慾望 Dark Desire 黑暗黄金 Dark Gold 燃烧的野性 Burning Wild ...

3.烤得金黄种黄色的水果——五箱橙子和柠檬被运到,乳猪和火鸡被烤得金黄(dark gold),连乐队演奏的音乐也是黄色的,叫“黄色鸡尾 …

4.现在暗金色 ... 爱步芭蕾平底鞋的原价是$130,现在暗金色Dark Gold” 的休闲女鞋也很不错,现在购买黑色“ Black/B…

5.黑金乎像一种非常深的引力在逐渐地牵引着你,就象是一块“黑金”(Dark Gold)的质感,在吸引能量的同时也散发出同等的能量, …

6.黑介金 咖啡色 coffee 黑介金 dark gold 咖啡金 coffee gold ...


1.White ice wine dark gold, crystal clear, pleasant, smooth sense of the entrance, has a strong sense of harmony.白冰酒呈深金黄色,晶莹剔透,赏心悦目,入口感平滑,有很强的融洽感。

2.He was a beautiful child, with dark gold curly hair, and dark-blue eyes which changed gradually to a clear grey.他是个漂亮的孩子,有一头棕色的卷发,和一双深蓝浅灰相间的眼睛。

3.There were always skylarks, their songs hanging over the fields of dark gold.云雀的歌声总是萦绕在金灿灿的田野上。

4.The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it.沙子变成银色,随着海水的退去又变成暗金色。

5.There were always skylarks, their songshanging over the fields of dark gold.这里的云雀,它们的歌声萦绕在这大片大片金色的田野上。

6.He am a beautiful kid, dawn dark gold curly hwaterdrop, or dark-blue eyes which alterd graduwhichley to a clear grey.他是个漂亮的宝宝,有一头棕色的卷发,和一双深蓝浅灰相间的眼睛。

7.Are you wearing secondhand occupy a medieval pattern dark gold strap skirt, underwear straps sppped in the arm.你穿了二手的盘踞着中世纪古典花纹的暗金色吊带短裙,内衣的肩带滑落在手臂上。