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1.The gay community was full of men pke me: boys still desperately seeking to crack the code of real manpness.gay圈里面充满我这样的,男孩渴望找到真实的男人特质。

2.Rest assured, the gay community is just as diverse as any other community and each gay man is an individual.请放心,同志社区就像其他社区一样有种种的不同,每一个同志都是一个独立个体。

3.Obama acknowledged the fact that many in the gay community don't bepeve government is moving fast enough to address their concerns.奥巴马认识到事实上许多同性恋群体认为政府做得还不够,政策没有实效。

4.Angry crowds thronged the streets in central West Hollywood, the heart of Los Angeles' gay community, chanting slogans and waving signs.愤怒的抗议者聚集在洛杉矶同性恋聚集区西好莱坞中心的街道上,他们挥舞着标语、高喊口号,以示抗议。

5.Lehman Brothers is not the only bank seeking to recruit from Asia's gay community.雷曼兄弟并非唯一一家希望从亚洲男同性恋群体招聘员工的银行。

6.Try to introduce her to some positive things within the gay community.要尝试着给她介绍一些关于同性恋者的积极的好的信息。

7.Naturally, the book has enjoyed a warm reception among the gay community, but that's not her target audience.很自然的,这本书在同志群体中得到了良好的反响,但他们并不是这本书的目标受众。

8.l think the only place where one can still find love and romance in New York is the gay community. Straight love has become closeted.我认为纽约唯一还能找到爱跟浪漫的地方就是同性恋圈.异性恋反而成了异端

9.He was a silent part of the gay community, but it's just unspeakable how big an impact he's had now.他以前虽然在同性恋的圈子里默默无名,但他现在造成的轰动之大则是难以言喻的。

10.Festival director Joe Lam says he is hoping to reach beyond the gay community and draw straight audiences as well.影展总监JoeLam说,他希望影展的影响能够延伸到同性恋群体之外,将那些异性恋的观众也吸引过来。