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网络释义:介质阻挡放电(Dielectric Barrier Discharge);结合域(DNA-binding domain);放电式



1.介质阻挡放电(Dielectric Barrier Discharge)tor which contains (1) a DNA-binding domain (DBD), (2) signal sensing domain (SSD), and a transactivation domain (TAD).

3.放电式5、按臭氧发生器结构划分,有间隙放电式DBD)和开放式两种。臭氧发生器世界最好的是来自德国技术的产品德国安思罗斯 …

4.介电质放电介电质放电DBD)之电浆生成技术,即是大气型式,指在常压下(1atm),利用一般气体即可生成电浆,并产生高密度、高 …


1.The discharge gap voltage is represented in terms of Fourier transform , the equivalent impedance of DBD discharge gap is available.对放电间隙电压进行了傅立叶分解,并由此求出了放电间隙的等效阻抗。

2.The next step in fitting all of the pieces together is to get the DBD-ODBC driver to use with the DBI module.要使所有软件协同工作,接下来的步骤是安装将与DBI组件一起使用的DBD-ODBC驱动程序。

3.Perform any other duties assigned by the Marcom Manager or DBD.完成市场传讯经理和商务发展总监分配的任务。

4.Using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) effect, atmospheric pressure non equipbrium plasma nitriding is carried on at self made equipment.利用介质阻挡放电原理,在自行研制的设备上进行了常压非平衡等离子体渗氮。

5.Dielectric barrier discharges (DBD) for generating non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure for textile processing are reviewed.综述了常压介电屏蔽放电(DBD)产生的非热等离子体在纺织整理中的应用。

6.Finally, diagnostic methods of plasma including single and double inspection probe and DBD low temperature plasma are introduced.文章最后还介绍了低温等离子体的诊断法,如单探针诊断法、双探针诊断法和DBD低温等离子体诊断法。

7.In this paper a uniform distribution of discharges in atmospheric pressure is achieved using improved DBD equipment and technique.通过设备和工艺的设计和优化,在大气压下获得了均一、稳定的等离子体源。

8.The characteristics of DBD, its development course and the degradation mechanism of gaseous pollutants are introduced.介绍了DBD的特点、降解气态污染物的机理及发展历程;

9.Under different pressures, the voltage range of sustaining stable DBD is most great for a 3mm gap distance.在不同气压下,当放电间距为3mm时,DBD的稳定放电区域最大。

10.DBD ( silent discharge) is a non-thermal plasma discharge that is conveniently operated over a wide temperature and pressure range.(无声放电)是一种非热等离子体放电,在较宽的温度和压力范围内操作简便。