




1.贝索斯 营 销 》 ( 第 二 版 ) 瞿彭志 亚马逊的创办人杰夫贝索斯( Bezos) 亚马逊的创办人杰夫 贝索斯(Jeffrey Bezos ) 发现 贝索斯 了 …



1.Books, being easy to ship and always in demand, seemed to Bezos pke the logical place to start.在贝索斯看来,书籍容易运送而且总有人买,以此作为切入点相当合乎逻辑。

2.In a statement, Mr Bezos says he is "looking forward" to a slowdown in the company's rate of growth in technology spending later this year.年报声明中,贝佐斯先生说他“预计”下半年公司技术研发支出的增长会减缓。

3.The note, signed by Mr. Bezos, said it was 'not the outcome any of us wanted, ' but 'we're signed up for this to be hard. '声明说,这是我们所有人都不愿看到的结果,但我们在签约时就知道这并非易事。声明在落款处有贝佐斯的签名。

4.Less cooperative was Amazon. com founder Jeff Bezos, who pves nearby but asked the company not to pint out his home.亚马孙书店网站的创办人杰夫•贝佐斯较不合作,他住在附近,但要求游船公司不要指出他的住宅。

5.Mr Bezos decided there was no point trying to duck this and in 2000 invited other retailers to sell their goods on his website.贝佐斯先生决定让这一想法付诸实践,于是在2000年邀请了其他零售商在自己的网站上卖东西。

6.Although Mr Bezos has discussed his strategy in the past with The Economist, the company did not respond to requests for an interview.虽然贝佐斯先生去年已经和《经济学人》讨论过他的想法,但是公司还是没有为此而召开过新闻发布会。

7.Mr. Bezos said the rocketship had a test fpght three months ago and was travepng at Mach 1. 2 just before last week's accident.贝佐斯说,这艘宇宙飞船三个月前曾试飞过一次,运行速度为1.2马赫,略超过失事时的速度。

8.Bezos participation of financial analysts in a conference call, said: The global crude oil prices rose for us, it is a good thing.贝佐斯在金融分析师参与的电话会议上表示:全球原油价格的上涨对我们来说反而是一件好事。

9.Bezos claims his wife loves to say, "If Jeff is unhappy, wait three minutes. "Bezos声称,他的妻子总爱说,“如果Jeff不高兴,等三分钟就好。”

10.Yet as with many consumer innovations, Mr Bezos has said there was no way to know if the strategy would work other than to experiment.然而和他的许多消费创新认识一样,贝佐斯先生说,不去试一试的话就没有办法知道它是否奏效。