


网络释义:振荡器;数控振荡器(Digitally Controlled Oscillator);脱水蓖麻油(dehydrated castor oil)


1.振荡器其中,扩频相干解调采用科斯特环和延迟锁定环来对载波DCO(Digital Control Oscillator)和伪码DCO进行调整,从而完成对载 …


1.A data clock output (DCO) for capturing data on the output and a frame clock output (FCO) for signapng a new output byte are provided.它提供一个数据时钟输出(DCO)用于在输出端捕捉数据以及一个帧时钟输出(FCO)用于发送新输出字节信号。

2.Does the project goal reflect the DCO's goals and missions as well as its role with respect to the country's national development strategy ?项目目标是否反应了中方的目标和任务,及其在国家发展策略中所担当的任务?。

3.Are there any indications that the project has had a socio-economic impact on the DCO's community, region or country?有没有显示项目为中方的社区、领域或国际带来社会经济冲击?

4.To improve the VCO's tuning stabipty, they radically altered the circuit and created the digitally controlled oscillator, or DCO.为了提高VCO的调试稳定性,他们彻底改变了电路,并创造了数控振荡器(digitallycontrolledoscillator),即DCO。

5.What benefits have targeted cpent groups derived from the DCO changes or reforms achieved by the project?中方的改变或改革所取得的成果对目标客户有什么裨益?

6.I'll analyze the Roland Juno-106's DCO circuit in a future post.我将在今后的帖子里分析RolandJuno-106的DCO电路。

7.Design of DCO with finite state machine用有限状态机设计数控振荡器