


美式发音: [ˌænəˈsi] 英式发音: [ˌænəˈsi:]





1.安纳西 昂古莱姆 Angouleme 阿纳西 Annecy 阿讷马斯 Annemasse ...

7.阿尔卑斯山 4.吉维尼( Giverny) 6.阿尔卑斯山,安纳西( Annecy) 7. 香槟省( Champagne-Ardenne) ...

8.法国安锡动画影展2009法国安锡动画影展Annecy)毕业学生作品组―Special Distinction特殊荣誉奖2009有声有摄2009台湾青年音像创作联展…


1.Charles Beigbeder, president of the campaign for Annecy in 2018, had said earper that his city would offer athletes a lasting legacy.法国安纳西的申奥委主席查尔斯.贝格伯德早先曾表示,安纳西市将向运动员提供持久的体育遗产。

2.Formal bids are expected from Munich, Germany, Pyeongchang, South Korea and Annecy (ann-SEE), France.预计,德国的墨尼黑,南韩的平昌以及法国的阿纳西将正式提出申办冬奥会。

3.And let's face it, where else other than the chateau in Annecy will you find such a scary sock monster?我们不得不承认,除了在阿纳西的城堡里,哪里还能找到一个这么恐怖的袜子怪物呢?

4.Pyeongchang, South Korea has been awarded the 2018 Winter Olympics, beating out bids from Munich, Germany and Annecy, France.在刚刚宣布的结果中,韩国的平昌击败了德国的慕尼黑和法国的安锡,获得了2018年冬奥会的主办权。

5.South Korea is up against Munich, Germany, and Annecy, France.韩国的对手包括德国慕尼黑和法国阿纳西。

6.A small street in Annecy, France, in late afternoon.傍晚时分,法国安娜西的一条小街。

7.A city of southern France in the Alps on Lake Annecy east-northeast of Lyon. It is a popular resort and tourist center. Population, 49, 965.安讷西法国南部一城市,位于里昂东北偏东安纳西湖畔的阿尔卑斯山,是著名的风景区和旅游中心。人口49,965。

8.Munich got 25 votes and Annecy received seven.慕尼黑获得25票,阿纳西获得七票。

9.Munich managed 25 votes while the French city Annecy got only seven.慕尼黑管理的25票,而法国城市阿讷西了只有七个。

10.I went to Annecy again this year with The Illusionist, my new film, for the opening of the festival.今年我带着我的新作《魔术师》又去安纳西参加了电影节开幕式。