




1.详细信息显示 ... destination run-up 目标接近 detail display 详细信息显示 detailed window 详细信息窗口 ...

2.细貌显示 (4)用户图形显示( CUSTOMER GRAPHIC DISPLAY) (5)细貌显示( Detail Display) (6)群貌显示( Gr…

3.细节展示 ... 形象展示 IMAGE DISPLAY 细节展示 DETAIL DISPLAY 购买须知 BUY NOTES ...

4.明细显示 ... "放松弹簧"," Release spring" "明细显示"," Detail display" "明渠"," Open channel" ...

5.模特图 ... 商品参数 Product parameter 模特图 Detail display 细节图 Details of reapty ...

6.细节显示play)、群画面(group display)、细貌画面( detail display ) 、趋势图 (trend display)、系统组态画面(system configuration displa…


1.The techniques of texture mapping, object LOD (level of detail), display pst efficiently improved real-time property.采用了纹理映射、目标的细节等级、显示列表等技术有效提高了系统实时性。

2.The proposed method has its adaptive extension according to the requirement of high curvature detail display.该方法对于高曲率细节显示的特殊需求可作自适应拓展。

3.You can see the bsruri key in the WSRR user interface detail display for any object, as well as in the results of an API query.您可以在任何对象的WSRR用户界面详细信息中看见bsruri键,以及API查询的结果。

4.Contact type-ahead search and contact detail display联系人输入查找和联系人信息显示

5.BS Detail display of payment requests支付请求的详细显示