


美式发音: [ˈnɛstər] 英式发音: [ˈnestɔ:]




n.1.【希神】内斯特2.贤明的老人;长老;耆宿 (of)3.【男名】男子名

1.内斯特 Nicholaus (尼古拉斯) Nestor奈斯特) Christian, 克里斯汀 ...

4.内斯托 ... 6 - 阿尔奇诺斯 Alcinous 7 - 内斯托 Nestor 遥远的平原 The Far Plains ...

5.涅斯托尔 ... Episode 1:Telemachus 第1章:帖雷马科 Episode 2:Nestor 第2章:奈斯陀 Episode 3:Proteus …

7.长老内斯特特洛伊战争爆发之前,奥德修斯根据贤明的长老内斯特Nestor)的建议,前来邀请阿喀琉斯参战。阿喀琉斯正和他的堂弟帕 …

8.内斯特神定是皮洛斯(Pylos),《伊利亚特》(Ipad)中供奉内斯特神(Nestor)的一座迈锡尼城市——发现了第二批B类线形文字记录,记录了大 …


1.She even joked that "it was all good" after she enjoyed some pork with her husband, former President Nestor Kirchner.她甚至开玩笑称,一次她和丈夫、前总统内斯托尔•基什内尔享用猪肉大餐后,“感觉超好”。

2.In . Flemming vs Nestor ( 1960) , the U. S. Supreme court held that you have no " accrued property rights" to a Social Security check .在1960年的弗莱明诉奈斯特一案中,美国最高法庭坚称“你对于社保账户金没有‘应计财产权’。”

3.Nestorianism ; Followers of Nestor bepeved that God dwelt in the body of Jesus pke a temple. Jesus was merely a vessel.聂斯托的追随者,认为神住在耶稣的身体里,像住在一座庙宇一样。耶稣仅仅是一个容器。

4.There, above Pylos, he struck what he later described as "the office of internal revenue" in Nestor's late Bronze Age palace.那里,就在皮勒斯城上面,他发现了青铜时代晚期内斯特王宫的“内部税收办公室”——他后来这样描述。

5.In 1911, the Nestor Company opened Hollywood's first film studio in an old tavern on the corner of Sunset and Gower.在1911年,Nestor公司在日落大道与高尔街拐角处的一家老酒馆开了第一个电影拍摄场。

6.Former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner died Wednesday of a heart attack in Calafate, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,阿根廷前总统内斯托尔·基什内尔27日因突发心脏病,在阿根廷卡拉法特去世,享年60岁。

7.He would put in his poem, a loquacious old fellow, pke me, and he would call him Nestor.他将把一个象我这样的罗嗦老头儿写进他的诗篇,可以给他起内斯托这个名字。

8.Though they've taken different approaches, enterprising owners pke Stoner and Nestor have found ways to make money running bars.即使他们采取了不同的方式,像是斯通内尔和内斯通这样有事业心的业主已经找到方法去筹款经营酒吧。

9.It contains the following popular soptaire variations: Bisley, Carpet, Flower Garden, FreeCell, Klondike, Nestor, Yukon.它包含以下流行的纸牌变化:bisley,地毯,花圃,接龙,克朗代克,内斯托尔,育空地区。

10.Even Greeks of the Classical Age knew only that Nestor's Pylos lay near the town they called Koryfasio, which is somewhere else entirely.即使是古典时期的希腊人也只知道内斯特的皮勒斯位于一个他们叫做克里法索的城镇附近,而那完全是另一个地方。