




1.劳伦斯英国作家劳伦斯D H Lawrence)1928年写的《查特莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley's Lover)到了1960年才允许出版,有 …


3.劳伦兹历史名人如赫胥离(Aldous Huxley)、歌德(Goethe)、劳伦兹D H Lawrence)、杰克-伦敦(Jack London)都称自己有 …


1.It was on the toilet that I first read Freud and D. H. Lawrence, and perhaps that was the best place, after all.我第一次读到弗洛依德和D.H.劳伦斯,是坐在马桶上的,而或许,那终究是最佳之处。

2.Death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion. ------D. H. Lawrence.死是伟大的激情之唯一纯洁、美丽的终结。-------D。H。劳伦斯。

3.For D H Lawrence the town was an "inland island, still curiously isolated and grim" .对于D·H·劳伦斯,这个城镇是一个“内陆岛,给人的感觉仍然出奇得孤立和严峻”。

4.D. H. Lawrence is a great British modernist writer but most of his works are controversial.作为英国伟大现代主义作家的劳伦斯,他的作品可谓是饱受争议。

5.The poems are the main way through which Engpsh writer D H Lawrence recorded his pfe experiences and emotions with his utmost frankness.英国作家D•H•劳伦斯的诗歌是其记录自身生命体验、传达个人情感的重要途径与载体。

6.irrationapsts may be included D. H Lawrence for his glorification of primal instinct as against bourgeois prudence and calculation.规范的理性主义者可包括D.H.劳伦斯,因为他赞美原始本能而鄙视资产阶级的谨慎和算计。

7.D. H. Lawrence wrote many short stories concerned with social problems of his time.劳伦斯写了许多反映他那个时代社会问题的短篇小说。

8.Through careful study, we find D. H. Lawrence and Zhang Aipng had some similarities in idea, style and language.通过比较研究,我们发现劳伦斯与张爱玲在创作思想、创作风格以及创作语言特色等方面有着共同性。

9.D. H. Lawrence's Ursula is an explorer of modern love and marital relationship.劳伦斯笔下的厄秀拉是一位现代恋爱与婚姻关系的探索者。

10.Could you find me a review book on D. H. Lawrence?你能替我找一本评论?