


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=designated hitter)指定击球手

英文单词:指定打击(designated hitter);恶魔猎手(Demon Hunter);水解度(degree of hydrolysis)


abbr.1.(=designated hitter)指定击球手2.(=Doctor of Humanities)古典文学博士

abbr.1.(=designated hitter)2.(=Doctor of Humanities)

1.指定打击(designated hitter)指定打击DH):慢速垒球无指定打击;快速垒球可选择1人,以代替1名守备员打击。增额球员(EP):慢速垒球可选择1人…

2.恶魔猎手(Demon Hunter)发恶魔猎手DH),学抽魔,反骚扰,入夜后跑到商店买 显影之尘 你要初期消灭?那不出弓手(AC),只能做2个战争古树。

3.水解度(degree of hydrolysis)以淀粉水解度(DH)为检测指标,研究不同酶解温度、pH值和酶解时间对淀粉水解效果的影响.在单因素试验的基础上,根据Box-Beh…

4.双单倍体(double haploid)蔬菜双单倍体DH)种质资源创制及其商业化应用杨凌优比农业科技有限公司 5 抗TY番茄新品种选育研究 陕西长天种业有限 …


1.New Zealand's most famous writer, who was closely associated with DH Lawrence and something of a rival of Virginia Woolf.新西兰最著名的作家,谁是密切劳伦斯和弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的竞争对手相关的东西。

2.Michael Mann was there and just milling around in the lobby afterwards so my DH told him how much we enjoyed the film.麦克尔曼在那里,在大厅踱着碎步,然后我的DH跟他说我们有多么喜欢这部电影。

3.The DH lines of maize was able to be obtained within 1 year and the field test for DH lines could be arranged in the nest year.应用这一技术平台,可以在当年获得玉米DH纯系的种子,第二年即可安排大田纯系鉴定。

4.The paper suggests that after suitable heat treatment, DH-MQ steel has excellent high-tough-matching, to be an ideal material for drill bit.提出在经过合适的热处理工艺后,DH-MQ钢具有极佳的强韧性配合,是钻头材料的理想选择。

5.Using the dh command, you can see that the size of the file is half the original, indicating that ZFS has compressed it.通过使用dh命令,您可以看到文件大小为原来的一半,这说明ZFS已经将其压缩。

6.On port health measures, the DH will maintain temperature screening for in-bound travellers at all immigration control points.在口岸方面,卫生署会继续体温检测措施。

7.DH has also contacted the travel industry with a view to informing them about the latest situation and giving them relevant health advice .生署亦已知会本地旅游业界有关当地最新情况,并给予相关的健康忠告。

8.We have no built-in closets, so all our clothes are in these two wardrobes (mine on the left, DH's on the right).我们没有嵌入墙体内的壁橱,所以我们的衣服都放在这两个衣柜里(我的放在左边那个里,DH的在右边)。

9.DH spokesman said information from the HPA has so far indicated that the risk of having been exposed to Po- 210 remained low .生署发言人表示,跟据英国生防护局的资料,公众人士受到钋-210照射的风险相当低。

10.The scoring system has been modified to take into account the strength of the DH parameters when they are used for key exchange.测试系统需要把DH参数在密钥交换的过程中的强壮性考虑进去。