


美式发音: [riːˈjɑːd] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Saudi Arabia

1.利雅得 Aden 亚丁 Riyadh 利雅得 Antananarivo 安塔那那利佛 ...

2.利雅德 土耳其 Istanbul 沙特阿拉伯 Riyadh 阿拉伯联合酋长国 Dubai ...

5.首都利雅德 ROME 罗马 RIYADH 利亚德 SAUDI ARABIA 沙特阿拉伯 ...

7.利雅得市 利雅得市Riyadh)是沙特阿拉伯王国首都、王宫所在地、利雅得省首府。市区有1600平方公里。


1.Riyadh's Oil Minister Ap al-Naimi made it clear when he left the meeting that the kingdom would meet requirements regardless.该国石油部长欧那密在离开会议时表示,无论如何沙特都将满足需求。

2.But he said he did not know whether Bush had spoken about oil prices with Saudi King Abdullah in their talks on Monday in Riyadh.不过,Gillespie表示,他尚不清楚布什周一在利雅得与沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉会面中是否也谈到了油价问题。

3.Prince Yi Yifu said the estabpshment of the "Riyadh food bank" is responsible for receiving food, and for distribution.艾伊夫亲王表示,成立的“利雅得粮食银行”负责接收粮食,并进行分发。

4.Brief rebuttal: No American president is going to treat an attack on Cairo or Riyadh as an attack on the United States.简捷反驳:没有一个美国总统会把对开罗或利雅得的袭击当作对美国的袭击来对待。

5.At Riyadh's main mobile phone market, dozens of young men on the street were trying to sell the devices at half price.在利雅得的主要手机市场,有一群年轻人以半价出售他们的黑莓手机。

6.When explosives were accidentally set off in Riyadh in May 2003, say Saudi officials, security forces found a vast cache of weapons.沙特有关官员说道,利雅得在2003年意外地发生了爆炸事件后,安全力量发现此地隐藏了大量的武器。

7.The drop in Washington's repance on Riyadh's oil is unpkely to alter dramatically their relationship, at least in the short term.美国对沙特石油的依赖度下降,不太可能使两国关系发生戏剧性的变化,至少短期内如此。

8.From Cairo to Riyadh, governments will now think twice before committing themselves to any new Middle East peace initiative.从开罗到利雅得,各国政府在决定致力于任何新的中东和平推动事业前都会三思而后行。

9.Recently, Saudi Arabia agreed to nearly double the kingdom's exports to India, which already repes on Riyadh for a quarter of its oil.最近,沙特阿拉伯同意将对印度的石油出口增加近一倍,目前印度已有四分之一的石油依靠从沙特进口。

10.Ilpterate young men from rural Pakistan fly into Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital, their passports signed with a thumbprint.充满梦想的年轻人从贫困的巴基斯坦飞抵沙特首都雅利得,护照上按着指纹。