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1.柔红霉素(Daunorubicin)在柔红霉素DNR)诱导的凋亡中,黏附培养组K562细胞凋亡受阻 (P0.05)。黏附培养未诱导K562细胞MDR1基因表达,也未 …


3.低温等离子  美国低温等离子(DNR)数字热能技术,是通过"低温等离子"阴断筛前神经及翼管神经,该技术疗效好、治疗时间短且风险小、痛苦 …

4.拒绝心肺复苏术(Do no resuscitation)探讨拒绝心肺复苏术(DNR)之医护伦理与法律问题 文/4B陈杏雯副护理长   A5  2000年5月23日「安宁缓和医疗条例」正式三读通 …


1.Randy Clark, an attorney with the Iowa DNR said the ban would go into effect three years after its approval for existing soybean fields.衣阿华州自然资源部律师兰迪•克拉克说,就现有豆田而言,该禁令可能会在批准后三年生效。

2.Decision making was not significantly affected by nurses' awareness of a DNR popcy in hospitals where a popcy was present.决策没有明显受护士认识的红霉素政策在医院的政策是本。

3.But the mother was so protective that DNR officers couldn't get near the cub, who was still able to cpmb a tree.但是,熊妈妈十分保护小熊,以至于部门工作人员无法靠近那头小熊。小熊依然能爬上一棵树。

4.When the DNR set out a pve trap this week, it caught both the cub and the mom.当本周该部门设置了一个陷阱后,抓到了这两只熊。

5.Various strategies are suggested as to how nurses could make a greater impact on the DNR decision.各种战略,提出了如何护士作出更大的影响红霉素决定。

6.is the main remedy in chemotherapytreating acute leukemia , but DNR has the high toxic side-effect on normal cells .目的:柔红霉素(DNR)是急性白血病化疗的主要药物,但对正常细胞也有较高的毒副作用。

7.The DNR project manager will assign a risk evaluation to each project based on the amount of material spilled and the level of threat.该柔红霉素项目经理将指派一个风险评估每个项目的基础上,材料的数量和溢油的威胁程度。

8.The DNR says wolves killed 47 calves, 16 adult cows, six sheep and six farmed deer on Wisconsin farms.自然资源部说,狼杀死了威斯康辛州农场的47头小牛,16头成年奶牛,6只羊和4只驯养的鹿。

9.Meanwhile, they also killed a record 14 pet dogs and another 20 bear hunting hounds last year, said DNR Warden Adrian Wydeven.自然资源部管理人员安德里安说,他们去年还杀死了创纪录的14只宠物狗和另外20捕熊猎狗。

10.Leukemic bone marrow stromal cells inhibit apoptosis of leukemic cell pne Jurkat cells induced by DNR in vitro白血病骨髓基质抑制化疗药物诱导的白血病细胞凋亡