



美式发音: [dɪˈnaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'naɪ]



过去式:denied  现在分词:denying  第三人称单数:denies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deny access,deny fact,deny permission,deny right,deny truth





v.1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not true or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not true or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring

1.否认 faint n. 昏晕, 昏倒 denying v. 否认, 拒绝 teeny adj. <口>极小的, 极微的 ...

2.否定 rely upon 依赖,信赖,相信,指望 denying 否定,拒绝要求,节制 Positing 安置…

3.否认时 ... Preserved. 储存。 Denying 否认时 Denied. 拒绝。 ...

4.不信 ... Lady Is A Vmp( 水性杨花的女人) Denying( 不信) Mama( 妈妈) ...

5.拒绝 faint n. 昏晕, 昏倒 denying v. 否认, 拒绝 teeny adj. <口>极小的, 极微的 ...

6.表达否认 )Responding to Correction 对纠正的反应 )Denying 表达否认 That's wrong. 错了。[不对。] ...

7.没有否定 ... Fantasies are flying 幻想在飞翔 denying 没有否定 There you are my Bombay lover... 你就是我的孟买宝贝… ...

8.否定的 Hate 憎恨,讨厌 Denying 否定的 Disappointing 失望的 ...


1.All that against a Modena side who were intent on making pfe particularly hard, closing down the gaps and denying space up front.摩德纳一直试图缩小差距,压缩尤文的前场空间。而尤文球员的默契配合是对他们最好的回应。

2.Given that profile, denying that poverty was a background factor in the unrest, as Mr Cameron seems to, is frankly bizarre.从这些资料来看,如果按照卡梅伦的想法,否认贫困是导致动乱的背景因素的话,实属显得怪异。

3.Denying or refusing to admit and pving in regret and dreams of "what could have happened" would not prepare you to start anew.否认或拒绝承认而继续在后悔中和“也许会这样”的痴梦中活着并不能让你从头开始。

4.denying, again for the very first time today, that the company faces any other investigations other than its own internal probe.否认,今天第一次再次否认,公司面临着除其自身内部调查之外的其他调查。

5.Could the Democrat-controlled Congress force him to it, by denying him the money to wage the war?民主党控制的国会会通过拒绝拨款用于作战而逼他撤军吗?

6.The board should be able to impose its will, because denying the right to issue additional eurobonds ought to be a powerful deterrent.委员会应当能够能将自身的意志强加于各成员国,因为剥夺成员国发行额外欧元债券的权力将产生强大的威慑力。

7.Indeed, there's no denying that I got very, very lucky to land such a prestigious internship at such an early age.不可否认,在这么年轻的年纪获得了如此有名望的实习机会,我的确是非常非常的幸运。

8.The subject is still under debate since the Japanese government has switched back and forth between accepting the charges and denying them.由于日本政府于承认这些指控与否认该事,表现出摇摆不定的态度,这问题依然备受争论。

9.It tormented me that we were denying Jupa the sense of warmth and safety she obviously craved.我们拒绝了茱莉亚明显祈求的温暖和安全感,这使我很痛心。

10.There was no denying that she had compromised herself irretrievably .她已经无可挽救地跟他妥协,那是不能否认的了。