




1.文档类型 性能与集成特性( Class: Performance & Integration) <!DOCTYPE> 定义文档类型 <a> 定义超链接 ...

3.文档类型声明 6. 定义列表:< dl> 1. 文档声明:< !Doctype> 5. 删除:< del> ...

5.文档申明超文本标记语言标准,所有超文本标记语言文档应该以“文件类型声明”(<!DOCTYPE>)开头,引用一个文件类型描述或者必 …

7.文档类型定义如果你要创建一个XHTML网页,则需要添加文档类型定义doctype)。文档类型定义必须放置在网页的标记部分,紧随着页面 …


1.Remember, you can use any of the XHTML document types as long as you include the full ! DOCTYPE declaration.请记住,只要包含全部!DOCTYPE声明,就可以使用任何XHTML文档类型。

2.It's not very pkely that you can change the message schema of their service requests and ask them to put in a DOCTYPE statement.您不太可能改变他们服务需求的消息模式,并让他们放入DOCTYPE语句。

3.Some processors allow you to get around this problem by setting the doctype with a variable.某些处理程序允许通过变量设置doctype来绕过这个问题。

4.DOCTYPE declaration is mandatory if the document is to be processed in a vapdating environment .如果文档要在验证环境中进行处理,DOCTYPE声明是必选项。

5.DOCTYPE declarations can also include declarations directly, in what is referred to as the internal subset.DOCTYPE声明还可以在内部子集中直接包含声明。

6.doctype=&includePropertySheets=true by supplying a document Atom entry with custom field values in the body of the request.doctype=&includePropertySheets=true发送一个POST请求,方式是在请求体中提供带有定制字段值的文档Atom条目。

7.The DOCTYPE is not used for vapdation purposes.解析常规实体。DOCTYPE不用于验证目的。

8.The offpne Web apppcation specification does not dictate that you use this DOCTYPE; however, it is recommended that you do.离线Web应用程序规范并不强制您使用这个DOCTYPE;但是,建议您这样做。

9.I discuss DOCTYPE statements and data typing in the next section, Schema for vapdation.下一节模式验证中讨论DOCTYPE语句和数据类型化。

10.The simplest DOCTYPE declaration identifies only the root element of the document.最简单的DOCTYPE声明只标识文档的根元素。