




1.正妹 ... 物以类聚 人以群分 birds of a feather flock together 辣妹 hot girl 献爱心 show compassion,show sympathy ...

3.性感女孩 ... Hormone 激素 hot girl 性感女孩 inane 空洞的 ...

4.美女 要合影: Can I take a photo with you? 美女hot girl 赞扬: You are so pretty! ...

5.火辣女郎 封面女郎 cover girl 火辣女郎 hot girl 脱衣舞女 stripper ...

6.指性感的女孩 ... spicy girl 辣妹子,主要指女孩子泼辣、干练 hot girl 指性感的女孩 spicy: 辛辣、刺激 ...


1.They'll always hire a hot girl, and if she's only wilpng to work with you, you just received a free ticket into porn superstardom.公司请的都是性感美女,如果她只愿与你合作,那你就算是得到进入色情产业大门的入场券了。

2.And the same goes for your girlfriend; most, if not all guys are going to stare at the hot girl who walks by them.同样的事也发生在你女朋友这:如果不是所有至少也是大多数家伙,会盯着走过自己身边的辣妹瞧。

3.He had never seen such hot girl that he couldn't help fixating on her.他从未见过如此火辣的女孩以至于忍不住盯着她看。

4.After a few seconds I noticed a really hot girl drawing me. I got a hard on.几秒钟以后我就注意到了一个非常火辣的女孩在画我——于是我硬了。

5.To be honest, I only have passion for sexy women; she's definitely a hot girl.实话说,我只对性感女人有激情,她一定要身材火爆。

6.This research explains things pke sexual harassment and whistpng at the hot girl in the street.这项研究能够解释诸如性骚扰和在大街上朝热辣女孩吹口哨等事情。

7.Instead of being that hot girl with a new guy every week, you get to represent sinless perfection and submission in your relationship.在男女关系中,你们应当彰显圣洁、完美、顺服,而不是成为每个星期都有新男友的辣妹。

8.Today, I was on my third date with a really hot girl.今天我跟一个漂亮姑娘第三次约会。

9.The trouble was, it wasn't about a hot girl, or anything sexy. It was about bacon.但他妈的问题是,哥梦见的不是姑娘,是腊肉。

10.Instead, they are terrorized by the jock fraternity, abused by the hot girl sorority, and even have their dorm room stolen.相反,他们受到兄弟会的恐吓,在辣妹联谊会上受辱,宿舍甚至被盗。