


网络释义:争端解决机构(Dispute Settlement Body);双边带(double side band);争端解决机制


1.争端解决机构(Dispute Settlement Body)特异性内切酶活性,在两个靶位点之间剪切DNA,形成DSBDouble-Strand Breaks),诱发DNA损伤修复机制。


1.Member, the DSB shall consider what further action it might take which would be appropriate to the circumstances.如有关事项是由发展中国家成员提出的,则DSB应考虑可能采取何种符合情况的进一步行动。

2.The cellular DNA damage response(DDR) system for DSB consists of sensors, signal transducers(or mediators) and downstream effectors.细胞对DSB的DNA损伤应答(DDR)系统是由感应器、传递器及下游效应器分子组成的。

3.If other than standard terms of reference are agreed upon, any Member may raise any point relating thereto in the DSB.如议定的不是标准的职权范围,则任何成员均可在DSB中提出与此有关的任何问题。

4.In the Netherlands, DSB Bank was declared bankrupt after being refused government rescue funding.在荷兰,DSB银行在拒绝政府的救援资金后宣告破产。

5.Meanwhile, decision of expert panel and DSB's precedent also should be quoted.同时,还应适当参照或援引WTO争端解决机构通过的专家组决定和上诉机构的裁决。

6.Appellate Body reports adopted by DSB are binding on countries concerned.经DSB通过的上诉机构报告对当事国具有拘束力。

7.Materials and Methods: HRCT was performed in 69 patients with bronchiectasis . 34 of them also had digital subtraction bronchography(DSB).材料和方法:报告69例支扩病例均行HRCT扫描,其中34例同时给予了数字减影支气管碘水造影(DSB)对照。

8.The DSB shall appoint persons to serve on the Appellate Body for a four-year term, and each person may be reappointed onceDSB应任命在上诉机构任职的人员,任期4年,每人可连任一次。

9.The Director-General or the Chairman of the DSB, in providing the above assistance, may consult any source which either deems appropriate总干事或DSB主席在提供以上协助时,可向自己认为适当的任何来源进行咨询。

10.A standing Appellate Body shall be estabpshed by the DSBDSB应设立一常设上诉机构。