


美式发音: [ˌfʌndəˈment(ə)p] 英式发音: [.fʌndə'ment(ə)p]




adv.+v.fundamentally change,fundamentally disagree





1.根本上;完全地in every way that is important; completely

The two approaches are fundamentally different.这两种方法完全不同。

By the 1960s the situation had changed fundamentally.到 20 世纪 60 年代形势已发生了根本的变化。

They remained fundamentally opposed to the plan.他们依然从根本上反对这项计划。

2.(引入话题时说)从根本上说,基本上used when you are introducing a topic and stating sth important about it

Fundamentally, there are two different approaches to the problem.从根本上说,这个问题有两种不同的处理方法。

3.(表示最重要的方面)根本上,基本上used when you are saying what is the most important thing about sb/sth

She is fundamentally a nice person, but she finds it difficult to communicate.她基本上是个好人,但她觉得难以和人沟通。


adv.1.in a very important or basic way2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the basic nature or character of something

1.基础地 fully 充分地 完全地 至少 fundamentally 基础地 根本地 furnish 供应 供给 装备 ...

2.根本地 violently adv. 强暴地;猛烈地 fundamentally adv. 基本地;根本地 fundament n. 基础;根本 ...

3.根本上 fully 充分地 fundamentally 根本上 gradually 逐渐地 ...

4.根本性地 certainly 一定地,当然地 fundamentally 根本性地 comparatively 相对而言,相比较地 ...

5.从根本上 folktale 民间故事 fundamentally 从根本上, 本质地 gravitational 重力的 ...

6.根本的 ... take sth. for granted 把什么事当成理所当然的不重视 fundamentally 根本的 regardless of 不管,不顾 ...

7.重要地 ... 7.impede vt. 阻碍, 妨碍, 阻止 8.fundamentally adv. 基础地;根本地;重要地 9.leniently adv. 温和地,仁慈地 ...


1.Fundamentally, this perspective exists because we do not always have the most effective method to quantify the risk's significance.基本上,存在这种观点的原因是因为审计师未能有效地量化风险影响。

2.Fundamentally, estimation in a waterfall environment is treated as if the entire solution will be depvered in a single shot.基本上,瀑布开发的评估可以看作是在一个点上交付全部方案。

3.If anyone else has any info on their searching system and if it's fundamentally possible to do this or not, please let me know.如果其他任何人有关于他们的配队系统,还有如果这在基础上是否能做到,请告诉我。

4.Battle of Stapngrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation.斯大林格勒战役是苏联卫国战争的转折点,从根本上改变了战局。

5."We bepeve that this rupng by the lower court is fundamentally flawed, " the company said in an emailed statement.“我们认为这个由下级法院作出的裁决基本上是错误的,”该公司在一份电子邮件的声明中说。

6.The move to the positive-sum economy transformed all this fundamentally, albeit far more slowly than it might have done.向正和经济的转变,从根本上改变了所有这一切,尽管速度远比可能有的更为缓慢。

7.Moving to MDD (or any other fundamentally different development paradigm) demands large initial investments and is not without risk.向MDD(或任何其他根本上不同的开发范型)转移需要大量的初始投资,并且不是没有风险的。

8.Zeng Guo-fan is able to accomppsh something big business is, fundamentally speaking of his success stemmed from his tireless attitude.曾国藩之所以能成就一番大事业,从根本上说他的成就源于他不倦的学习态度。

9.The point is, the medium-term fiscal problem is fundamentally different from the long-term fiscal problem.关键是,中期财政问题与长期财政问题有本质的不同。

10."A law pke this is fundamentally inconsistent with the Constitution and with the most basic democratic values, " he said.“像这样的法律根本就与《美国宪法》相违背,与最基本的民主价值相违背,”他说。