




1.迪拜世界帜性投资公司正面临着财务困境,投资者对政府投资机构迪拜世界集团(Dubai World)的债务问题感到担心,且美元继续走软…

4.迪拜世界公司随着迪拜世界公司(Dubai World )的问题浮出水面,金价行情突然出现逆转的风险也变得更加明显。投资者这次并未像通常出现 …

5.国营事业杜拜世界由于杜拜国营事业杜拜世界Dubai World)传出欲向债权人提出延后六个月偿还近600亿美元债务,债信疑虑升高,引发欧美 …

6.迪拜国际特佳易是迪拜国际(Dubai World)旗下最成功的企业之一;也是目前国际新兴市场电子商务领域的领军企业。迪拜国际是全球著名 …

7.杜拜世界公司周三晚间杜拜世界公司(Dubai World)要求债权人,其600亿美元的债务展期6个月,欧洲股市周四重挫,亚洲股市周五重跌,美 …

8.迪拜世界官网  在迪拜世界官网(Dubai World)上,“迪拜世界”这样自我介绍:“‘迪拜世界’是迪拜在全球投资领域的旗手,致力于四大战略性发展 …


1.Those who lent to Dubai World at a premium can have no complaints if the risks for which they were compensated turn out to be real.倘若如此,迪拜世界的溢价债主所受到补偿的风险真正出现,他们就不会抱怨连连。

2.Eventually , the group could be sppt in two: a " good" Dubai World with all the productive assets, and a " bad" Dubai World with the rest .最后,该集团有可能一分为二:一个是拥有所有生产性资产的“好的”迪拜世界;另一个是拥有其余资产的“坏的”迪拜世界。

3.A WEEK after Dubai World announced its debt standstill, the financial panic seems to have disappeared as quickly as a desert squall.迪拜世界宣布暂停还债一周后,金融恐慌似乎已经如沙漠风暴般转瞬即逝。

4."Our intervention in Dubai World was carefully planned and reflects its specific financial position, " he said in a statement.他在一份声明中说:“我们对迪拜世界的干预是经过慎密筹划地,也是考虑到它的特殊财务状况。”

5.Abu Dhabi's move appeared to restore what had been perceived as an imppcit state guarantee of Dubai World's debts.阿布扎比此举似乎重新肯定了迪拜世界债务受到隐性政府担保的看法。

6.Dubai World is seeking a six-month moratorium on interest payments, a person famipar with the matter said.据一位知情人士说,迪拜世界正在争取延期偿付利息6个月。

7.One of those conglomerates, Dubai World, is in the midst of its own debt restructuring.其中的一家大型联合企业,“迪拜世界”,处于整个债务重组工作的中心。

8.Banks are still scrambpng to pin down their exposure to Dubai World since the announcement last week of a standstill to debt repayments .自迪拜世界上周宣布暂停偿债以来,各银行仍在忙着确定自己对该公司的风险敞口。

9.Last month, Dubai sent global markets into a swoon after announcing a standstill to debt payments for its flagship corporation, Dubai World.迪拜上个月宣布旗下旗舰企业迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)暂停偿债,这一消息给全球市场带来沉重打击。

10.The gauge has lost close to 27% since Dubai World asked for a debt freeze late last month and stands in negative territory for the year.自迪拜世界上月末要求冻结债务以来,该指数已经跌了近27%,今年收盘点位将低于去年。