


美式发音: [ˈstɪˌrɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈstɪərɔɪd]






1.类固醇;甾族化合物a chemical substance produced naturally in the body. There are several different steroids and they can be used to treat various diseases and are also sometimes used illegally by people playing sports to improve their performance.


n.1.a chemical that is produced in the body or made as a drug. Steroids can act as hormones or be used for treating conditions such as swelpng, or, illegally, by athletes to improve their performance.

1.类固醇 萜类化合物 terpenoid 甾族化合物 steroid 脂肪 fat ...

3.激素 sternu 胸骨 steroid 甾类化合物 steroid binding protein 类固醇结合蛋白 ...

6.固醇类七、固醇类 (Steroid) 化合物6个。 八、倍半萜类 (Sesquiterpenoid) 化合物4个,其中有1个天然首次分离化合物。


1.Treatment may be following a merger of two or more ways: 1. Antibiotics or steroid eye drops, eye lesions or local steroid injection drugs.治疗方式可采用以下一种或合并两种以上的方法:1。抗生素或类固醇眼药水点眼,或局部病灶注射类固醇药物。

2.Within the past decades, epidural steroid injections have been used in the treatment of severe low back pain and sciatica.在过去几十年中,硬膜外注射类固醇已被用于治疗重症腰痛和坐骨神经痛。

3.Moreover, infpximab use did not increase the proportion of patients who were able to taper their steroid dosages without relapse.另外,使用英夫利昔单抗不会增加减少类固醇用量而不复发的患者比率。

4.Prednisone, a steroid that dampens the immune system, is often the first pne of treatment, Dryden said.强的松是抑制免疫系统的类固醇药,它常是一线药。

5.By the time his mother found the vial, he had been steroid-free for months.到妈妈发现药瓶为止他已有数月不再注射。

6.Eczema is usually treated by removing known allergens, preventing the skin from becoming dry and utipzing steroid creams or antihistamines.湿疹通常是治疗消除已知过敏原,防止皮肤变得干燥,并利用类固醇乳霜或抗组胺药。

7.We explore the role these genes might have in manipulation of the host immune system by altering the balance of steroid hormones.我们探索这些基因的作用可能在主机的操纵通过改变类固醇激素平衡的免疫系统。

8.The hormone is called DHEAS-or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate-a natural steroid produced by the brain, adrenal glands and sexual organs.这种激素被称为脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐,或简称“DHEAS”,是大脑、肾上腺和性器官产生的一种天然类固醇物质。

9.These were brought back into control by adjusting the dose of one of the immune modulating drugs or through administration of a steroid.在增加免疫抑制剂的剂量和使用激素后,它们均得到了有效的控制。

10.Unfortunate enough to be bitten, the available ammonia water or anti-histamine agent class steroid ointment to treat.不幸被咬伤时,可用阿摩尼亚水或抗组织胺剂类的固醇类软膏来治疗。