


网络释义:密集波分复用(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing);密集波分复用技术;密集波分多路复用


1.密集波分复用(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing)密集波分复用DWDM)一词经常被用来描述支持巨大数量信道的系统,在这里,“密集”没有明确的定义。相反,在一根光纤上 …


3.密集波分多路复用构建于密集波分多路复用DWDM)光核心之上的网络多协议标签交换(MPLS)和同步光网(SONET)服务,极大地改进了 …

4.密集波分复用设备重点开发密集波分复用设备DWDM)、新型高速光传输设备、光交换设备、大容量全光网络(OXC 、OADM)设备等光通信 …

5.密集型波分复用在密集型波分复用DWDM)系统中,有数十个波长的光信号在光纤中同时传播,对各通道的光功率进行有效地监测和控制是 …

6.密集波分复用系统最适合密集波分复用系统(DWDM) 补充知识点: 1、按ITU-T 标准光纤可分为G.652、G.653 、G.654 和G.655 四种 2、光线路 …


1.In traditional DWDM system, these parts of an apparatus are detached in different board card, whole system is huge and costly.在传统DWDM系统中,这些器件都分手在分歧的板卡中,整个系统简单而又低廉。

2.To construct an efficient DWDM network, customers must have the abipty to have toward several DWDM signal channels to infuse into signal.为了建造一个高效的DWDM网络,端用户必须具备向多个DWDM信道注入信号的能力。

3.But unpke DWDM, lambda switching injects intelpgence, built around a set of evolving industry standards, into optical network gear.但是,与DWDM不同,光波长交换在光网络设备中注入了智能,这种智能是围绕一组尚在演变中的标准建立起来的。

4.Dense wavelength division multiplexing system (DWDM) makes the fiber optical correspondence enter to a brand-new development stage.密集波分复用系统(DWDM)的应用使光纤通信进入到了一个崭新的发展阶段。

5.The fourth chapter describes a detailed hierarchical routing GMPLS-based framework for provisioning all-optical DWDM optical networks.第四章中提出一种详尽的基于GMPLS的方法来配置全光多域DWDM网络中的光路径。

6.In this article, the design of automatic measurement system for the spectrum of the channel of DWDM is demonstrated.文章阐述了密集波分复用(DWDM)信道光谱特性的自动测试系统的设计。

7.The noise figure of Raman Fiber Amppfier in N channels of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system is analyzed.分析了N信道密集波分复用系统采用拉曼光纤放大器时信道的噪声特性。

8.Then it presents and describes designing solutions for upgrading existing network by DWDM technology.然后提出用DWDM技术进一步改造现有网络的设计方案;

9.The dense wave length division multiplexing (DWDM) technique is a kind of advanced and sophisticated optical fiber communication technique.密集波分复用(DWDM)技术是一种比较先进的光纤通信技术,并且相对成熟。

10.Blazed grating based WDM device is one kind of potential one in DWDM technology.而闪耀光栅型DWDM是一种很有发展潜力的密集波分复用器件。