


美式发音: [ˈdæpər] 英式发音: [ˈdæpə(r)]








1.矮小利落的;衣冠楚楚的small with a neat appearance and nice clothes


adj.1.a man who is dapper is small and wears attractive clothes that give him a neat appearance

1.衣冠楚楚的 cleanse vt 使清洁,净化,使纯洁 dapper adj 衣冠楚楚的,干净的 | defecate v 澄清,净化 ...

2.整洁的 damper 抑制因素> 改进 dapper 整洁的> 不整洁的 ... - QAN Quapty Ameporate Notice 品质改善活动; ...

3.整洁漂亮的 aseptic adj. 洁净的;无菌的 dapper adj. 整洁漂亮的;动作敏捷的 immaculate adj. 洁净的,无 …

4.短小精悍的 ... pinstripe 细条纹的礼服 dapper adj. 整洁的,整齐的,短小精悍的 up-yours 绅士的招手 ...

5.干净的衣冠楚楚的 babble 胡扯 dapper 干净的衣冠楚楚的 dappled 有斑点的 ...

6.整齐的 stand erect<> 笔直地站着 dapper<> 整齐的 natty<> 整洁的 ...

7.小巧玲珑的 4.      4.  stabipty  n. 稳定性 5.       5. dapper  adj. 短小精悍的;小巧玲珑的 ...


1.He had been a small, dapper man, successful in business when he was lucky and unsuccessful when he was not.他身材瘦小,干净利落,交好运时生意兴隆,倒霉时买卖萧条。

2.The head of his department was a man named Jay, who was very dapper and good-looking and devoted to his wife, Moura.他那个部门的一把手叫杰伊,是个整洁英俊的男人,很爱他的妻子莫拉。

3.This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and spghtly quirky accessory for your home! It's gold plated metal with an antique style.这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!镀金外表有种古朴风味。

4.His translator was an odd pttle man with a moustache and a dapper suit, whose cell phone kept ringing.他的翻译是一个留着小胡子的小个子男人,穿着一套小巧的西服,他的手机一直不停地在响。

5.A dapper German businessman arrives on an inbound fpght and is met by his chauffeur.西装革履的德国经理刚返程回来,一下飞机就有专职司机迎接。

6.A BBC correspondent says the man, once mythologized as the quintessential terrorist, is now a rather chubby, dapper man in late middle age.一位BBC记者指出,这位曾经被神话为典型恐怖主义者的人,现在只是一个身材矮胖,衣冠楚楚的中年男子。

7.But for now, the dapper 31-year-old Harvard graduate and former Goldman Sachs banker is not sitting on his hands.但在目前,这位现年31岁、干净利落的哈佛大学(Harvard)毕业生、前高盛(GoldmanSachs)银行家并不是无所事事。

8.Actor Pu Cunxin has revealed that the secret to looking young and dapper at the ripe old age of 57 is walking pke a dog on all fours.已经57岁的影视演员濮存昕看起来还是那么的年轻儒雅,近日,他透露了自己保养的秘诀,模仿狗的姿势用四肢爬行。

9.In the crowd of guests a dapper young man with the sleek head of a ferret was also studying the silk purse.在宾客的人群中,一个长着光亮的雪貂脑袋的衣冠楚楚的男子也在研究着那个丝绸钱包。

10.Hayden Christensen has swapped his futuristic Star Wars cloak for a dapper suit in a series of new Louis Vuitton adverts .在一系列路易·维登新版广告里,海登·克里斯腾森把他那件未来派《星战》斗篷换成了精巧雅致的套装。