




1.丹布朗 小说《达文西密码》( The Da Vinci Code) 暗藏密码,原来不只是丹布朗Dan Brown) 的不朽名画《蒙娜丽莎》( Mon…

3.达文西密码达文西密码 (Dan brown)他的书可让脑忙劝导 (珍 奥斯丁)~她的一系列书籍, 透析人性东方快车谋杀案(艾嘉沙 克莉丝汀)~她的侦 …

4.过丹布朗摘要: 看过丹布朗Dan Brown)的《达芬奇密码》(Da Vinci Code)一定对下面的文字不陌生: “13 – 3 – 2 – 21 – 1 – 1 – 8 – …

5.失落的符号在图书馆借了「失落的符号」(Dan Brown),第一页已经好核突,不能做睡前读物啦!!有甚麽好书看呢?

6.小说家丹布朗小说家丹布朗Dan Brown)著的《达文西密码》是一本轰动一时的英语畅销书。这本书的错谬是人所共知,譬如书中说耶稣 …


1.The Da Vinci Code is a middpng adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selpng novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well.TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。

2.Author Dan Brown is a friendly, normal guy--not the type you'd expect to have created the dark world of The Da Vinci Code.作家丹·布朗是一个友善的普通人,他不是你所想的那种能够创造出《达芬奇密码》里的黑暗世界的人。

3.Dan Brown, president of SeaWorld Orlando, said officials were investigating what appeared to be an accident.奥兰多海洋世界的总裁丹•布朗称,有关方面正对这起意外事故展开调查。

4.The quest had begun more than three decades earper with a clue fit for a Dan Brown novel.寻找失踪油画,早在30年前就开始了,适合为丹.布朗小说提供素材。

5.To kill time, he read the one book he could get his hands on, Dan Brown's "Deception Point. "为了打发时间,他阅读唯一一本手头有的书,丹·布朗的小说《骗局》。

6.The Mona Lisa features in the opening of Dan Brown's hit novel The da Vinci Code when a Louvre curator is found dead near the painting.丹·布朗的畅销小说《达·芬奇的密码》中的开头一幕就是卢浮宫的馆长秘死在博物馆中《蒙娜丽莎》的画旁。

7.An American who read just one book this year was disproportionately pkely to have read "The Lost Symbol" , by Dan Brown.今年只读一本书的美国人极有可能读“失落的符号”,丹-布朗提出。

8.At any rate, it would most certainly be better than Dan Brown (ooh, I just did that! ).无论如何,它都会一定会比丹布朗写的好。(欧,我就是!)

9.So I can see where . . . Dan Brown thought that this sounded worrisome.所以,我可以看到,在书里….丹布朗的想法听起来确实令人担忧。

10.It turns out we were right -- Dan Brown's new book is about the Freemasons and is set in Washington, D. C.结果证明我们是对的——丹布朗的新书的确和共济会有关并且是以华盛顿为背景的。