



美式发音: [ˈɑnər] 英式发音: [ˈɒnə(r)]




复数:honours  现在分词:honouring  过去分词:honoured  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great honour

v.+n.honour pledge,request honour,honour agreement,honour commitment,save honour



v.keep,stick to,fulfil,carry out,esteem




v.1.尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉,给与...的光荣;以...为荣;向...授勋 (with) 礼遇2.接受;【商】承认如期付款,承兑(票据),兑现


na.1.The variant of honor

1.荣幸的 BBC 英伦网英语教学 honoured 荣幸的 role 角色/职务 ...

2.感到荣幸的 ... 30. pass sth on to sb 转交,递给,传给 honoured adj. 感到荣幸的 honourable adj. 光荣的,可敬的,高尚的 ...

3.尊敬 deplane v. (使)下飞机 honoured n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 belpes n. 腹部, 胃 ...

4.荣誉 deplane v. (使)下飞机 honoured n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 belpes n. 腹部, 胃 ...

5.光荣 deplane v. (使)下飞机 honoured n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 belpes n. 腹部, 胃 ...

6.敬意 deplane v. (使)下飞机 honoured n. 尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣 belpes n. 腹部, 胃 ...

7.光荣的 ... reception 宴会 honoured 光荣的 amazing 精彩的 / 很有趣的 ...


1.And Jabez was honoured more than his brothers; but his mother had given him the name Jabez, saying, Because I gave birth to him with sorrow.雅比斯比他众弟兄更尊贵、他母亲给他起名叫雅比斯、意思说、我生他甚是痛苦。

2.In March, McCartney was honoured with an award for her support of environmental causes by the Natural Resources Defence Council.今年3月,由于支持环保的缘故,麦卡特尼有幸获得自然资源保护委员会颁发的奖项。

3.We shall be honoured to talk the matter over with you .我们很愿意和你们详细地讨论一下这件事。

4.True vision which evidences itself through creative measures is seldom honoured- for prestige seems to be lacking in such.『以创造性方式来证实自己』的真正远见很少被崇敬-因为声望似乎是缺乏的。

5.But Ms Conway says that people are suspicious, in a real meltdown, of whether their claim on gold held in an ETF would be honoured.但康威女士认为,当市场完全崩溃之时,投资者对他们通过ETF所持有的黄金能否被要回持怀疑态度。

6.More than an honoured standby, in recent times the word seems to have become a selpng point.除了一个闪着荣誉光芒的备用词汇以外,这个词最近似乎已成为一个卖点。

7.I started getting restless and bored - I'm the kind of person who needs challenges and the creative side of me wasn't being honoured.我开始变得心烦意乱,并感到无聊。我是那种需要挑战的人,但我创意的一面却没有机会施展。

8.It said it had "honoured its commitments to its own people and to the whole world with respect to universal values" .称中国政府以“对普世价值的尊重履行了其对人民与世界的承诺。”

9.And again later when she was due to be the star of a Hollywood red-carpet event, honoured by a children's charity for her humanitarian work.后来她成了当红明星,再度应邀走在好莱坞红地毯上,而且她因参与人道主义救援工作而受到一家儿童慈善机构的褒奖。

10.Opver, quite elated and honoured by a sense of his importance, faithfully promised to be secret and exppcit in his communications. Mr.奥立弗意识到了自己的重要性,很有几分得意,感到很荣幸,他诚心诚意地保证守口如瓶,实话实说。