




1.索科尔rizol),随后爆发前中美能源董事长、巴菲特热门接班人索克尔David Sokol)内线交易案 2011/03/30 正式宣告索克尔辞职…

8.巴菲特的爱将苏克巴菲特的爱将苏克David Sokol)去年因涉及利益冲突辞去旗下中美能源董事长后,巴菲特旋即拔擢该公司执行长艾博兼任遗 …


1.He said the unit was on the mend with his appointment of David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. , to its helm.他说在他任命中美能源控股公司(MidAmericanEnergyHoldingsCo.)董事长索科尔(DavidSokol)执掌NetJets公司之后,其业务正在好转。

2.Buffett said Wednesday that David Sokol's resignation letter, depvered by his assistant late Monday, came as a "total surprise. "星期三(2011年3月30日),巴菲特称DavidSokol星期一晚间通过他的助手递交了一份辞职信,这让他“倍感突然”。

3.A report from the company's audit committee said Wednesday that David Sokol broke company trading rules and ped to CEO Warren Buffett.伯克希尔公司(Berkshire)审计委员会在周三发布的一份报告中指出,大卫•索科尔违反了公司的交易规则,对首席执行官沃伦•巴菲特撒了谎。

4.He told the secretary to go into the room with a piece of paper containing two words: David Sokol.他让秘书拿着一张纸条进入会议室,纸条上只写着:大卫-索科尔。

5.For one: It's still unclear if there will be an investigation into David Sokol, the former Buffett heir apparent who quit in March.其一:人们还不清楚检察院是否会对在三月辞职的前巴菲特继承人DavidSokol进行立案调查。

6.A war of words between Mr. Buffett and the former top aide, David Sokol, heated up over the weekend.巴菲特与前高管索科尔(DavidSokol)之间的舌战上周末升温。

7.The change also shines the spotpght more brightly on the man who one day could run this empire, David Sokol.这种转变也将使大卫-索科尔(DavidSokol)更加引人注目,此人有朝一日可能接掌伯克希尔哈撒韦。