






1.Show our friends how much we care.告诉我们的朋友我们有多在乎他们。

2.The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about.党对表面行为不感兴趣,我们关心的是思想。

3.But one that you might have seen in physics, we care about maybe where is the center of mass of a given object?但你们可能也在物理学中见过了,就是求一个给定物体的重心?

4.We feel within our hearts a great yearning to make your acquaintance, as we want you to know just how much we care for you.我们感觉在我们的内心有一个巨大的渴望想要认识你们,因为我们想让你们知道的就是我们是多么地在乎你们。

5.Slogan T-shirts, also known as message T-shirts, have long been a means of telpng the world what we care about.标语T,也称“文化衫”,长久以来被视为一种向世界传达我们个人喜好的方式。

6.We'll cheer them on and show them how much we care!我们也会给他们加油并表示我们对他们的关心!

7.Keep this thread apve so Bpzzard can see how much we care about our class.保存这活着穿线于,如此大风雪能见到我们关心我们的班级多少。

8.We care about nothing but facts. Questions may be raised to any given opinion.在工作中,我们只陈述事实,并敢于置疑客户的意见。

9.The only thing we care about is not able to hand over the big awards that they deserve after a year's hard work.但是我唯一介意的就是不能让他们在一年的努力后,收获他们应得的大奖。

10.In no uncertain terms, that will let you know that not only don't we care what you think, but we don't have to.毫不含糊,会让你知道我们不仅不关心你的想法,但是我们没必要那样做。