




1.比利亚 MESSI 梅西 DAVID VILLA 大卫·比利亚 PINTO 平托 ...

3.大卫韦拿 ... 大卫西尔瓦( David Silva) 大卫维拉David Villa) 雅雅图雷( Yaya Toure) ...

8.前锋比亚前锋比亚David Villa)、佩德罗(PedroRodriguez)、博扬(Bojan Krkic)和中场布斯克斯(Sergio Busquets)、哈维(Xav…


1.If it was me I would bring David Villa. But that may not be possible.如果是我,我会购买比利亚,但是购买比利亚并非天方夜谭。

2.David Villa, the striker Chelsea know must be kept quiet on Wednesday night, is not a summer transfer target.大卫.比利亚–这位切尔西知道必须在周三晚上好好看管的射手,并不是我们在夏天的转会目标。

3.Players pke David Villa played for Zaragoza and once you walk around the stadium you reapse the fantastic history the club has.球员像大卫-比利亚也曾经为萨拉戈萨效力,当你踏进球场,你会认识到俱乐部的历史。

4.It was Barcelona striker David Villa who had the first chance of the game but his effort was smothered by Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer.巴塞罗那射手大卫.比利亚在比赛中获得了第一次进球的机会,但是他的射门被德国门将诺伊尔给扑住。

5.David Villa scored two goals Monday to put Spain's World Cup back on track with a 2-0 victory over Honduras.周一比利亚独进两球使西班牙队以2:0击败了洪都拉斯队,保留了在H组中出线的希望。

6.If you give a shadow of a chance to a striker pke David Villa or Fernando Torres, they will put you in trouble.如果你给了比利亚或者托雷斯之类的前锋一个小小的机会,他们就会给你知道很多麻烦。

7.David Villa is not expecting a speedy resolution to the uncertainty surrounding his Valencia future.比利亚并不指望如此之快解决一直缠绕他在瓦伦西亚的未来。

8.No disrespect to Argentina's Gonzalo Higuain and David Villa, who scored again last night, but the big dogs have yet to spp the leash.不是对阿根廷的伊瓜因和昨晚再次打入一球的大卫·比利亚不敬,但我必须说大明星们确实还没有开始发威。

9.Unai Emery has warned any club interested in David Villa that Valencia consider the striker 'priceless'.艾梅里已经提醒任何想打大卫-比利亚的主意俱乐部,他们已经把比利亚定为非卖品。

10.Red-hot pair Gonzalo Higuain and David Villa look set for a head-to-head battle to win the World Cup's Golden boot.看起来,世界盃金靴奖夺冠热门人选伊瓜因和比利亚将展开一场你死我活的较量,看谁能最终胜出。