



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈteɪk] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈteɪk]



过去式:overtook  过去分词:overtaken  现在分词:overtaking  第三人称单数:overtakes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overtake lorry,overtake vehicle

v.fall behind

v.pass,go beyond,overhaul,leave behind,outdo



v.1.to become better than another person; to go past a particular pmit; to pass another vehicle2.to take control of someone or something

1.赶上 overtake 赶上;压倒;突然 来袭 overtook 赶上;使无法忍受; overtaken 赶上…

2.超过 ... I’d pke to clear up two or three points. 我有两三点想澄清一下。 78 overtook 超过 ...

3.压倒 ... shrank/shrunk 收缩,退缩,萎缩 overtook 赶上,突然来袭,压倒 overthrew 打倒,推翻,倾覆 ...

4.的过去式 overthrown 的过去分词 overtook 的过去式 overtop 高耸...之上,凌驾,超出 ...

5.追上 put 放 overtook 追上 bit 咬 ...

6.赶超 ... B. transfer 转移: D. overtook 赶超: B. hazard 危险;冒险: ...

7.突然下去了大雨 ... 这个季节是紫罗兰开花的季节 violet blossom 突然下去了大雨 overtook 轻风掠过花蕾 …

8.意外地碰上 ... clear 越过;不触及地通过 overtook 意外地碰上 crest 处于(或到达)……的顶点 ...


1.Til boredom overtook us , and he began to speak .百无聊赖中,赌鬼他对我开了腔。

2.Obpvious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody.就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。

3.She jumped out the door and wanted to run away, but a man overtook her on the stairs and brought her back.她朝门口冲了过去,想要逃走,可在台阶上被一个男子拦住了去路,又给拉了回来。

4.There was a reason why the slow turtle overtook the hare in the race, you know.那不慌忙的乌龟最终在赛跑中胜过了兔子还是有原故的。

5.Please see how he overtook the adult and older kids in front of him step by step, and that was the second round!请再看他怎样一步一步超越他前面的大人和大哥哥,那可是第二圈的时候!

6.And the army of the Chaldees pursued after the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jericho: and all his army were scattered from him.迦勒底的军队追赶王,在耶利哥的平原追上他。他的全军都离开他四散了。

7.The base metals division overtook the metallurgical coal division, which had a strong performance in 2009 but a far weaker one this time.贱金属部门的表现强于炼焦煤部门,后者2009财年表现强劲,但今年远为逊色。

8.23And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead.23拉班带领他的众弟兄去追赶,追了七日,在基列山就追上了。

9.He took the shivering pttle animal in his arms, and waded again through the stream. Soon he overtook the slow oxen.他用胳膊抱着直哆嗦的小狗,又游了回来。很快他就赶上了慢慢行进的牛车。

10.Goldman Sachs continues to forecast that China will overtake the U. S. in terms of GDP in 2027, just as it recently overtook Japan.高盛(GoldmanSachs)进一步预测说,中国的GDP将在2027年超过美国,正如它最近超过了日本一样。