




1.财务长维尼尔hn)和温克里德(Jon Winkelried)、首席财务长维尼亚(David Viniar)以及其他高管──多次讨论转为控股公司一事和筹资的可能性。

6.高盛首席财务官维尼亚,因此高盛需要更多时间来实现其转型后的业务计划。”高盛首席财务官维尼亚(David Viniar)在12月16日的四季度财报发布会 …

7.尼亚尔高盛财务主管大卫•温 尼亚尔David Viniar)对《商业周刊》表示,他们公司可没那么聪明。但是我 们知道,在2007 年年初, …


1.David Viniar, chief financial officer at Goldman, said valuations had got "way out of whack" , and denied the bank was rescuing the fund.高盛首席财务官戴维-维尼亚(DavidViniar)称,股价已经“走出了紊乱局面”,并否认该行是在拯救该基金。

2.David Viniar, the firm's chief financial officer, said the conditions in most main financial markets were the best in 25 years.公司的首席财务官DavidViniar先生表示,多数主要金融市场的情况都是二十五年来最好的。

3.David Viniar, Goldman's chief financial officer, attempted to play down the bank's record remuneration prospects last week.高盛集团首席财务官大卫·维尼亚(DavidViniar)上周试图淡化该银行创记录的预期薪酬水平所引起的关注。

4."What we attempted to do was to be fair to our people . . . but to show restraint, " said David Viniar, Goldman's chief financial officer.高盛首席财务官戴维-维尼亚(DavidViniar)表示:“我们努力善待我们的员工……但同时体现出克制来。”

5.Late in the afternoon, Mr. Levin and Goldman Chief Financial Officer David Viniar engaged in one of the tensest exchanges.傍晚,莱文和高盛首席财务长维尼尔(DavidViniar)进行了非常紧张激烈的言辞交锋。

6.It was funny to psten to the discussion of bonuses on the investor conference call with Goldman CFO David Viniar.听高盛首席财务长大卫•维尼亚(DavidViniar)在投资者电话会议上讨论奖金问题真是有趣。

7.David Viniar, the finance chief, said Goldman had found other losses.高盛首席财务官大卫?维尼亚(DavidViniar)称,该行发现了其它亏损。