


美式发音: ['kʌpə] 英式发音: ['kʌpə]






1.一杯茶a cup of tea

Do you fancy a cuppa?你想来一杯茶吗?


n.1.a cup of tea or coffee

1.一杯茶 Whirlwind Romance 闪电式恋爱 Cuppa 一杯茶 To Go The Whole Hog 全力以赴 ...

2.杯图片 图片 Doctor Martens 杯图片 Cuppa 玩耍图片 Play ...

3.一杯茶或咖啡 ... Whinge: 抱怨,埋怨 Cuppa一杯茶或咖啡(即使澳大利亚有时也需查看一下提供给他们的是茶 …

4.印度本土咖啡品牌 ... 新竹市~~停七立体停车场拟 BOT 印度本土咖啡品牌 Cuppa 香港 Toppy Group ...


6.一口茶Mintel市调公司的报告中同时指出,英国传统‘一口茶’(cuppa)市场,65岁以上的老人人口中,有70&是重口味的饮用者,重口味 …



1.We all so look forward to having a cuppa with you and swapping stories of our souls journey! ! !偶们都期待与你们举杯庆祝,交换偶们各自灵魂经历地故事!!!!在爱中并谢谢!

2.Recent news that coffee may be correlated with a variety of positive health benefits only fuels my desire for a daily cuppa.最近有新闻报道咖啡跟一系列有益健康有关,燃起了我每天喝一杯咖啡的兴趣。

3.Traditional uses of coca are not addictive and are as much part of Andean culture as a cuppa is in Britain or beer in Texas.传统上对古柯叶的使用不会上瘾,正如英国的下午茶,德克萨斯州的啤酒一样,使用古柯叶是安第斯山文化的组成部分。

4.That has to be the traditional cream tea- a giant home-made scone , caked with clotted cream and jam, and all washed down with a good cuppa.那得是传统的奶油茶点了—一种很大的自做的烤饼,上面有厚厚一层浓缩奶油和果酱,和一杯好茶一并入肚。

5.Feel shy sitting on auction table with all the bigwigs. . . so waiting outside and enjoying a cuppa coffee & brendon return to team.和队员竞卖的大佬们坐一张桌子感到局促…所以在外面等,喝一杯咖啡&

6.Make sure you throw away that chipped mug and enjoy your cuppa from a mug or cup that you love to look at, touch and sip from.请将有缺口的杯子扔掉,请用你喜欢的,爱不释手并忍不住啜饮一口的杯子饮茶。

7.So a single-shot cappuccino or latte won't give you much more of a caffeine hit than a cuppa.那么,一杯卡布奇诺或拿铁不会比一杯茶所含的咖啡因多。

8.Bring glasses and your mates for a cuppa and some traditional Austrian food in the cold Shanghai winter nights.在寒冷的上海冬天晚上,过来传统的奥地利咖啡馆喝一杯咖啡看一部好电影。

9.We will not get carried away, never tweeting about a fresh "cuppa" or, worse, some banal corporate achievement.我们不会沉迷其中,永远不会在上面絮叨一杯“新茶”或者——更糟的是——公司某项平淡无奇的成就;

10.The typical employee also spends 35 minutes chatting and 17 making a cuppa, computer giant Microsoft found.研究结果表示,办公室雇员还会花上35分钟相互閒聊,以及17分钟用来喝茶。