


美式发音: [ˈɪθəkə] 英式发音: [ˈiθəkə]





un.1.island in western Greece, the traditional site of the legendary kingdom of Odysseus.2.city in south central New York, south of Cayuga Lake and northwest of Binghamton.

1.伊萨卡 哈佛大学(剑桥)( Cambridge) 康奈尔大学(伊萨卡)( Ithaca) 密歇根大学(安阿伯)( Ann Arbor) ...

7.纽约州绮色佳纽约州绮色佳Ithaca)康乃尔大学(CornellUniversity)研究员斯奎尔(Steve Squyres)说:「天体生物学和寻找生命对我们 …

8.纽约绮色佳纽约绮色佳Ithaca)康乃尔大学学者达尔(AnerTal)和汪辛克(Brian Wansink)进行实验室及实地调查研究,了解饥饿对食 …


1.Not many Harvard rooters had come way the hell up to Ithaca, New York, even though the Ivy title was at stake.哈佛的球迷从纽约依达加城来的不多,但这是攸关全常春藤代表队的名衔的得失。

2.The professor in the department of astronomy at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, said the water probably evaporated or froze over.位于纽约伊萨卡康奈尔大学天文学系教授认为,火星上的水不是被蒸发掉就是被冻结了。

3.Michael. Machines as the Measure of Men: Science, Technology, and Ideologies of Western Dominance. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989.《作为人类量度的机器:科学,技术及西方统治的意识形态》。1989,绮色佳:康乃尔大学出版。

4.Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week.纽约州伊萨卡市康乃尔大学的杰夫·汉考克教授让30名学生用日记记录自己一周内与人交流的情况。

5.Jeff Hancock of Cor'nell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week.JeffHancock在位于纽约州伊萨卡的康奈尔大学执教,他曾要求30个学生记录一周中每天的通讯情况。

6.Laurie Drinkwater at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, was an author of the report.来自纽约康奈尔大学的劳丽•林瓦特,是该报告的作者。

7.Ithaca Energy, a Canadian company, now operates in four North Sea fields off the British coast.现在,一家名为IthacaEnergy的加拿大公司正管理着英国海岸边的四个北海油田。

8.The complex also features a well from the 8th century BC, roughly the period in which Odysseus is bepeved to have been king of Ithaca.此外,他们还认定宫殿外的一口井也可以追溯至公元前8世纪,当时奥德修斯正是伊萨卡的统治者。

9.He was a professor of government and international agriculture at * Cornell University in the * Ithaca, New York.他是纽约伊萨卡康奈尔大学的环境和现代农业的教授。

10.And though Odysseus's island is "farthest to sea towards dusk" , today's Ithaca is close to the mainland in the east.而且,即使奥德修斯的岛“黄昏时离海最远”,现在的爱塞卡却在东边,与大陆相邻。