




1.死鱼 ... 剑桥图片 Cambridge Law 死了鱼图片 Dead FIsh 在黎明法国电线杆图片 French telegraph pole at dawn ...

4.死鱼餐厅女子常用); 能握住对方的手指(女子常用); 4)死鱼式(dead fish):一方伸出软弱迟钝的手,有气无力的让对方 死鱼式(d…

6.死鱼餐馆肚子饿了,来到“死鱼餐馆”(Dead Fish)室内装潢还不错。


1.You know, once you're dead, nothing smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze.你要知道,一旦你死了,什么东西闻起来都不会太差劲。臭鸡蛋?没问题。死鱼?那味道就像春风吹拂。

2.Soon, it was found dead fish dead birds far beyond the United States fact of the matter.很快,人们发现,鸟死鱼亡的事情其实远不止于美国。

3.What he really wanted was to dive off the bridge, smash through the ice and sink down to the bottom to freeze there pke a dead fish.他真想一下子跳下去,头朝下,砸破了冰,沉下去,像个死鱼似的冻在冰里。

4.We also saw quite a number of dead fish which were going to be dried by the sun distributed on the ground.我们也看到不少的死鱼摆在地上让太阳晒干。

5.He began dragging the dead fish towards him with a stick.他开始用一个棍子朝着他的方向拖拉那条死鱼。

6.walnut leaves into rivers to poison the fish; dead fish are easy to catch.一些土著人将核桃树叶丢进河里将鱼毒死;而死鱼是很容易捉的。

7.Women pke a raw shiny knife, preparing and men fight one another fiercely, "I and you are not a dead fish is the net broken. "女人像把磨得发亮的刀,准备和男人拼个你死我活,“我和你不是鱼死就是网破。”

8.The legend of Rahm Emanuel, the man appointed as Barack Obama's chief of staff, begins with a missing finger and a dead fish.伊曼纽尔小传,这个被任命为奥巴马幕僚长的人,他的故事是从一个失去的手指和一条死鱼开始的。

9.The ships 400 foot black form looms against the sky, and collects dead fish in stagnant water near the pier.黑400英尺的船只形式对织机的天空,并收集在码头附近的积水死鱼。

10.Cruz said that the lake not only turned red but was also transformed into a small pond that reeked the stench of dead fish.Cruz说道,不仅湖水变成了红色,整个湖变成了散发死鱼恶臭的池塘。