




1.亲爱的妈妈 your brother 你的哥哥/弟弟 22. dear mom 亲爱的妈妈 23. a happy family 一个快乐的家庭 24. ...

2.真爱合唱团 Crowded House [拥挤的房子] Dear Mom [真爱合唱团] Bob Dylan [鲍勃 迪伦] ...

3.亲爱的母亲 黄昏时分? Twipght Time? 亲爱的母亲? Dear Mom? 父亲的吻? Dad’s Kiss? ...

4.亲爱少年三人组 Dean Martin: 狄恩马丁 Dear Mom: 亲爱少年三人组 Death Cab For Cutie: 俏妞的死亡计程车 ...

5.少女时代 Please call. 电话留言 Dear Mom 书写明信片 Health and Fitness 健康生活 ...

7.李心洁 流浪鱼 LGYankees 李心洁& Dear Mom 龙之翼组合 lyly ...


1.Dear Mom and Dad: My first day was great. We went for a long walk, and I chased a rabbit and a ball. They think I'm cute, . . .亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我第一天真是太棒了,我们散了好长时间步,我还追了一只兔子和一个球,他们都认为我很可爱……

2.Dear, mom cher, you'll be in Beijing soon, and i 've already prepared some present for your big birthday.亲爱的,你快回来了,我早已准备好了你的而立生日礼物,虽然你可能不记得我的生日。

3.Dear Mom: If nothing happened, the girl in question should be happy to say so to her friends.亲爱的妈妈:如果什么都没有发生,那个女孩应该很乐意让她的朋友们说明。

4.Dear Mom, family, neighbors and good friends, I wish I was there with you this Christmas.亲爱的妈妈、家人、邻居和好朋友们,我希望我本是和你们一起在家乡欢度这个圣诞节。

5.Dear Mom and Dad , you'll be proud of me ! You will see great results from all you from all your hard work and sacrifice .亲爱的爸爸妈妈,你们将为我自豪的,你们将会看到你们所有的辛苦与牺牲都是都是有结果的。

6.I am putting up a soul soothing Mother's day poem to help you in conveying your heart felt emotions to your dear mom in my blog.我现在就我的博客里贴一篇会让我们的心灵得到慰藉的母亲节诗歌,来表达我们对母亲的感情。

7.They adore all kinds of flowers, so go ahead and arrange some of the most beautiful and brightest flowers for your dear mom.她也衷爱各种鲜花,那就细心挑选最漂亮、最亮丽的送给你亲爱的妈妈吧。

8.Dear Mom and Dad , you'll be proud of me!亲爱的爸爸妈妈,你们将会为我自豪的。

9.Dear mom and dad, please take good care of your health. Don't worry about me.亲爱的爸爸妈妈,请照顾好自己,请别我为我担心!

10.Thanks to my parents, especially to my dear mom who took great troubles to bring me into the world.谢谢我的父母,特别感谢我亲爱的妈妈,多年以前的今天是你的受难日。谢谢你把我带到这个精彩世界!