




1.德克斯),因为所有的雪地靴在澳洲都叫UGG,所以这个美国公司(deckers)就在全球注册了UGG Austrapa, 主要靠的是设计,质量也 …


1.After two years in court, Deckers lost its case against the McDougalls.打了两年官司后,德克斯公司输掉了对麦克杜格尔夫妇的案子。

2.The new double-deckers, which have three doors to speed up boarding, are expected to be in service in 2012.这种新的双层巴士有三个车门,可以增加上下车的速度。预计将在2012年开始提供服务。

3.Soon afterward, Deckers' lawyers began sending out cease and desist letters to companies world-wide.之后不久,德克斯公司的律师就开始向全世界各地的公司寄送停止侵权通知函。

4.Broad-shouldered and square-jawed, Doug Otto is Deckers' founder, and was its CEO until 2005.宽肩膀、方下巴的奥托(DougOtto)是德克斯公司的创建者,并一直担任首席执行长直到2005年。

5.One can see red double-deckers, red telephone booths and red post boxes, which are distinctive symbols of London.红色的公共汽车、电话亭和邮筒,这是伦敦的标志物;

6.The traditional red double-deckers are a symbol of London.传统的红色双层巴士是伦敦的象征。

7.Deckers has multiple registrations for its UGG and TEVA trademarks in countries around the world, including in China.德克斯已在全球,包括中国在内大多数国家注册UGG及TEVA相关的多个商标。

8.She also recalls the cease and desist letter she received from Deckers around Christmas 2003.她还记得,2003年圣诞节左右她收到了德克斯公司发出的停止侵权通知函。

9.Deckers has spent a lot of money convincing the world they are the real uggs. '德克斯公司花了许多钱让全世界相信它生产的才是真正的雪地靴。

10.He also introduced 18-metre-long, "bendy" single-deckers.他同样引进了18米长的“迂回曲折”的单层巴士。