


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.[ususing]保存的事物;遗留下的东西;影响;结果something that remains or results from a situation in the past

His neatness is a carry-over from his army days.他爱整洁的习惯是他当兵时养成的。

2.结转下期的款项an amount of money that has not been used and so can be used later

The £20 milpon included a £7 milpon carry-over from last year's underspend.这笔 2 000 万英镑的款项包括了去年结转的 700 万英镑。


n.1.something that happens now that is the result of a situation that existed in the past2.an amount of money that has not been used within a period of time and can be kept and used later

1.结转 挂失 report the loss of a bankbook 结转 carry-over 大写金额 amount in words ...

2.遗留 on-board, 在机 carry-over, (样品)遗留 analyte, (被)分析物 ...

3.遗留物 carrying abipty 载重量, 载弹量 承载能力 carry-over 遗留, 遗留物 carryall 单马马车, 旅行提袋 ...

4.携带污染 carry digit 进位数 carry-over 进位,借位 carrying 进位 ...

7.借位 carry digit 进位数 carry-over 进位,借位 carrying 进位 ...

8.套息贸易又称结转    所谓套息贸易又称结转(Carry-over)来往,指的是从低息墟市假贷血本,国内的时尚杂志还是看看就算了,编辑们也多是穿的批 …


1.This was a well-done study. It was kind of amazing that the effects seem to carry over.这是一项杰出的研究,神奇的是效果似乎能持续保持。

2.All of her most positive traits have seemed to carry over to her career.她所有的最积极的特质似乎都延续到了她的演艺生涯。

3.The supposed inviolabipty of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world.量子密码术的不可侵犯性,是建立在真实世界里不见得成立的一组假设上。

4.They could have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams.可能他们一整天都在想工作的事情,这些思考会带到梦里。

5.To my surprise, by doing that I suddenly understood about what was a unit-carry-over!出乎意料之外地,我就是这样做明白了甚麼是进位?

6.The templates handle each of the different elements that you want to carry over to the output document.这些模板处理您要带入输出文档的每个不同元素。

7.Both sides said they could even carry over the discussions into a third consecutive day if things go well during Thursday's session.双方均表示,如果能在周四的谈判中取得进展,劳资谈判将在周五继续进行。

8.Fully automatic cleaning of the measuring cell after each measurement with up to two cleaning pquids to prevent sample carry-over.每次测量完成后,自动进行清洗。有两种不同的清洗剂,阻止样品间的反应。

9.Carry-over knowledge to your descendants and making them fit to understand the worldly game is his motto here.传授知识给你的后代并使他们试着了解世俗游戏规则。

10.The term "domestic carry-over warehouse" shall refer to a warehouse used to store exported goods for domestic carry-over .国内结转型仓库是指存储用于国内结转的出口货物的仓库。