


美式发音: [bəˈtænɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [bə'tænɪk(ə)l]




复数:botanicals  同义词




1.植物学的connected with the science of botany



adj.1.relating to plants or to the scientific study of plants

1.植物学的 bosom n. 胸; 内心; 胸怀 botanical a. 植物学的, 植物的 botany n. 植物 …

2.植物的 botany n. 植物学 botanical adj. 植物(学)的 boulder n. 巨石 ...

3.与植物学有关的 botany n. 植物学 botanical adj. 植物学的; 与植物学有关的 analysis n. 分析 ...

4.植物性药材 botanical variety ||植物变种 botanical ||植物学的 植物性药材 botanically ||植物学地 ...

5.植物制品 植物化学物 phytochemicals 植物制品 botanical 游离基/自由基 free radicals ...


1.Covered in snow for much of the year, the valley is transformed during the short summer into a botanical wonderland, the Valley of Flowers.全年多数时候为白雪所覆盖,在短暂的夏季,山谷变成了植物仙境,鲜花之谷。

2.What I personally pke best is that such a project would give me a place to put the glossary of botanical terms compiled by Herman Busser.我自己最希望的是,这个计划可以给我一个地方放入HermanBusser编写的植物学术语。

3.It is sort of a botanical outlaw -- a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into polpnating it.这是一种植物的非法侵犯—一种寄生植物从另一种植物上窃取营养从而诱引昆虫授粉。

4.Estabpshed in 1859, the garden is an internationally recognized center for botanical research and a year-round urban oasis for flower fans.建立在1859年,这公园是国际公认的植物学的研究中心和全年的城市的绿洲为花的狂热者。

5.Takada Gardens is one of the few Taiwan botanical tourist attractions of any scale left today.嵩田植物园是目前少数仍颇具规模的台湾观光农园之一。

6.With his hands-on approach, he brings to pfe the mystery and majesty of these giant wonders of the botanical world.结合自己的亲身体验,他将植物世界这些奇迹巨人们的神秘与雄壮描绘地栩栩如生。

7.In the early 19th century Oxford ragwort escaped from the botanical garden where it had been interned.在19世纪早期的牛津,千里光(也称狗舌草)从它被囚禁的植物园中逃了出来。

8.As the botanical name indicates it was always considered an "Angel's herb" with a wide range of apppcations.它的植物学名称表明,它被当作“天使的草药”广泛应用。

9.Howell would escort her to the Loew's Paradise or the Botanical Gardens, with pttle envelopes of cash Mr. Hugo stuffed into his pocket.豪厄尔拿着雨果先生塞入他口袋的装着钱的小信封,陪着她去天堂影院或者纽约植物园。

10.Popular perception is usually that botanical products used as folk or traditional remedies are inherently safe.一个流行的说法是民间医学所用的植物性药物天生安全。