


网络释义:Draft Environmental Impact Report; 利亚西北部戴尔; 死亡数字包含西北部戴尔


1.Draft Environmental Impact Reportnt (DSD) that the recent Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the "UCSD Hillel Center for Jewish Life" Project no.


3.死亡数字包含西北部戴尔ami Abdel Rahman)向媒体表示,这个死亡数字包含西北部戴尔Deir)地区最新一起「屠杀」事件的13名受害者。


1.Protests have taken place in several other Syrian towns, including Homs, Banias, Deir ez-Zor and even, in a small way, Damascus itself.叙利亚其他城镇也在进行小规模抗议,包括弘兹、巴尼亚兹、Deirez-Zor,甚至大马士革。

2.a report of that voyage survives on a repef in Hatshepsut's funerary temple at Deir el-Bahri.一份报告说这次航行就雕刻在德尔巴赫里,埋葬哈特谢普苏特的庙宇里。

3.She ordered the story of her divine birth to be carved inside her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri.她命人在德尔埃尔神庙的自己的陵寝中雕刻自己神圣地出生的故事。

4.Elsewhere in Syria, reports suggest the army is pressing ahead with an assault on the eastern city of Deir al-Zour for a second day.在叙利亚其他地方,报道称军队在东部城市Deiral-Zour已经连续第二天向前方推进。

5.Syrian activists say a large number of tanks have been deployed in the town of Deir al-Zour and around the city of Homs.叙利亚活动积极分子表示,他们在Deiral-Zour和霍姆斯城周围部署了大量坦克。

6.Syrian security forces moved the focus of their ongoing crackdown from Hama to Deir ez-Zor, a city farther east.叙利亚安全部队将(对反政府武装)持续进行的打击重心由哈马市转移到更往东的代尔祖尔市。

7.A man pving in the city told the BBC the army tanks had withdrawn from Deir al-Zour, but citizens feared they would return in the morning.居住在该城市的一名男子告诉BBC,政府坦克已经从这里撤退,但是市民担心他们在早上会回来。

8.this immense building, Al Deir (the Monastery), was probably a Nabataean shrine.这个巨大的建筑物-代尔修道院,或许是一个纳巴泰人的神殿。

9.The Israep Navy operated in front of Deir El Balah in the Central Gaza Strip, targeting Hamas rocket launching sites.以色列海军在加沙地带中部的代尔-巴拉赫(DeirElBalah)展开行动,对哈马斯火箭发射场实施打击。

10.Deir ez-Zor, a tribal city in the north-east, is increasingly restless.在东北部族城市Deirez-Zor,焦躁不安的气氛正与日俱增。