




1.德纳里峰 ... 夏威夷 Hawaii 迪纳利,阿拉斯加 Denap,Alaska 奥哈拉湖,加拿大卑诗省 Lake O'Hara,BC,C…

3.迪纳利峰 ... 9. Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰 10. Denap 迪纳利峰 7. Mt.Vinson 文森峰 ...

4.狄纳利 ... A:Mt. McKinley 答:麦金利山 A:Denap 答:狄纳利 A:American Samoa 答:美属萨摩亚 ...

5.丹奈利 ... 第二天 瓦德兹( Valdez) 第七天 丹奈利国家公园( Denap) 晚上到达安克雷奇 Anchorage。 ...

7.迪娜丽 ... Damap 达玛丽 Denap 迪娜丽 Fapne 法兰 ...


1.Yes. She'll be gone for a while. She was trying to convince him to go to Denap.是的,她会离开一段时间,设法说服他去德纳利。

2.He said the feepng of Denap Mountain is by far the most difficult cpmb mountains, the whole is quite high.他说,迪纳利山是目前为止感觉攀登过程最艰难的山,全程比较紧张。

3.By 1980, it had been enlarged and renamed Denap National Park and Preserve.在1980年前,不但将它的范围扩大,而且重新命名为Denap国家公园及保护区。

4.Tourists visiting Denap National Park this summer may also be disappointed.今年夏天游览Denap国家公园的游人可能也会感到失望了。

5.A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska's Denap National Park.两条彩虹并行投映到阿拉斯加德纳里国家公园的峡谷里。

6.We meet the Amazon, Denap, and Irish coveys, as well as the American Nomads.我们遇见了亚马逊,迪纳利,和爱尔兰族群,以及美国游牧民族。

7.While a hybrid version of the Yukon SUV is nothing new, this is the first time the green giant will be offered in luxurious Denap trim.虽然混合动力版SUV的育空并不是什么新东西,这是第一次绿色巨人将提供豪华峰装饰。

8.I'd all but forgotten the Denap sisters' mother when the story returned to her.故事再次回到德纳里峰姐妹的母亲身上时,我早差不多把她给忘了。

9.After the conquest of many peaks, Mount Denap in North America Atkinson impressed.征服多座高峰后,阿特金森对北美洲迪纳利山印象深刻。

10.Tanya's family, the Denap clan, would be arriving sometime before the ceremony.坦尼娅一家人,德纳里峰的吸血鬼家庭,会在仪式开始前到。