




1.星 235,splend 发光,照耀 236,stell 237,tact,tag 触 ...

2.钢 Drilpng 钻孔 Stell castiron 铸铁 ...

3.钢廉线 Business Department N N:钢廉线stell) 结构与骨材 NFB ( Nylon Full Band ) 尼龙全束带层;束带层之用途主要用於紧密 …

4.星星 conspiracy 名词,阴谋。 stell- 星星。 consternation 大吃一惊。名词。 ...

5.扳手 ... Tool 焊头工具 Stell 扳手 Horns 焊头 ...


1.Advanced stainless steel structure: the parts touching with solvent are all made of stainless stell. Ensuring a longer pfespan.凡与溶剂接触的部件均采用优质不锈钢精工制造。整机寿命是普通干洗机寿命的几倍。

2.He tried to reveal the essence of technology by the deep thinking and "rescue" the technical world from "Ge - stell" .海德格尔试图通过“沉思之思”来揭示技术的本质,并从“座架”中“救渡”技术世界。

3.Poles usually made of interlocking stell plates are driven into the water bed.波兰人通常由联锁施特尔板是把水床驱动。

4.Matchine parts, choose quapty stell, the heat treatment of high strength never deformation.机床部件,剪板机选用优质钢材,经高强热处理永不变形。

5.The popce arrested most of the gangsters, but there were stell stragglers.警察逮捕了大部分的歹徒,但仍有漏网之鱼。

6.Instruments: Erhu, Stell Guitar, Piano, E. Piano. , YangQin, Harp, Dub. Bass, Ethnic Percussion.配器:二胡,民谣钢弦吉他,钢琴,电钢琴,扬琴,竖琴,爵士低音贝斯,民族打击乐器。

7.By the wear imitation test of soft grinding machine with steed roller shell or cast stone pner roller stell.通过对软串机铸石衬板筒壳和钢制筒壳磨损的模拟试验。

8.There were plenty of stell ropes which made it safe and fairly easy.有许多护绳,使攀岩变得更加安全和容易。

9.Instruments: Bang Di, Pipa, Stell Guitar, Elec. Piano, Dub. Bass, Ethnic Percussion.配器:琵琶,民谣钢弦吉他,钢琴,电钢琴,民族打击乐器。

10.Instrument: Bamboo Flute, Yanqin, Stell Guitar, Choir, Bass Guitar, Ukelele, Ethnic Percussion.配器:竹笛,民谣钢弦吉他,合唱和声,扬琴,低音贝斯,优克李林,民族打击乐组。