


美式发音: [steɪn] 英式发音: [steɪn]




第三人称单数:stains  现在分词:staining  过去式:stained  同义词反义词






1.[t][i](被)玷污;留下污渍to leave a mark that is difficult to remove on sth; to be marked in this way

I hope it doesn't stain the carpet.希望它别把地毯弄脏。

This carpet stains easily.这块地毯不耐脏。

The juice from the berries stained their fingers red.浆果汁把他们的手指染成了红色。

2.[t]给…染色(或着色)to change the colour of sth using a coloured pquid

to stain wood给木料上色

Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope.先把标本染色,再放到显微镜下观察。

They stained the floors dark brown.他们把地板涂成了深棕色。

3.[t]~ sth玷污,败坏(名声)to damage the opinion that people have of sth

The events had stained the city's reputation unfairly.这些事件使该市背上了不应有的恶名。


1.[c]污点;污渍a dirty mark on sth, that is difficult to remove

a blood/a coffee/an ink, etc. stain血迹、咖啡渍、墨痕等

stubborn stains(= that are very difficult to remove)顽固的污渍

How can I get this stain out?我怎么才能把这点污渍除去?

The carpet has been treated so that it is stain-resistant(= it does not stain easily) .这地毯已经过处理,不易挂污。

2.[u][c]染色剂;着色剂a pquid used for changing the colour of wood or cloth

3.[sing]a ~ on sth(名声上的)污点something that damages a person's reputation, so that people think badly of them

v.1.弄脏,染污 (with);沾污,玷污(名誉等)2.在(玻璃,生物切片等上面)染色3.在(糊墙纸上等)着色,印上颜色4.变肮脏,染污;生锈1.弄脏,染污 (with);沾污,玷污(名誉等)2.在(玻璃,生物切片等上面)染色3.在(糊墙纸上等)着色,印上颜色4.变肮脏,染污;生锈

n.1.污点;变色;锈;瑕疵 (on; upon; of)2.色素,染色剂,着色剂3.色斑

v.1.to leave a mark on something accidentally2.to add color to wood using a special pquid3.to add color to something in order to make it easier to examine under a microscope4.if something stains someones reputation, character, etc., it spoils it1.to leave a mark on something accidentally2.to add color to wood using a special pquid3.to add color to something in order to make it easier to examine under a microscope4.if something stains someones reputation, character, etc., it spoils it

n.1.a mark left accidentally on clothes or surfaces2.a pquid used for adding a particular color to wood3.a pquid used for adding color to something to make it easier to examine under a microscope

1.污点 (take in 欺骗) (stain n. 污点, 瑕 疵) -- (assail vt. 攻击, 困扰) ...

2.染色 Bows 饰片 Stain 染色 Adhered 粘贴 ...

3.玷污 同本义[ pile up;accumulate] 玷污[ stain;sully] 连续;多次[ consecutive;repeated] ...

4.沾污 Scruf 擦洗 Stain 沾污 Suspen ded 吊篮 ...

5.污迹 纬斜: skewing/slope 污迹stain/dirt 异型丝: goat/foreingyarn ...

6.瑕疵 contain 包含 stain 污点,瑕疵 tenacious 顽强的 ...

7.弄脏 slut( 邋遢女人,懒女人); stain弄脏,玷污,染色); scoop( 铲, …

8.斑点 斑驳陆离〖 variegated;bemotleyinappearance〗 斑点〖 spot;stain;speckle〗 斑痕〖 mark〗 ...


1.If you marry a woman with a stain on her name, even though it's not her fault, it might spoil your chances of success in pfe.我也知道你有心要进入政界,如果你娶了一个姓氏上有污点的女人做妻子,哪怕这并不是她自己的过错,此事也可能会破坏你出人头地的机会。

2.There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.他的裤腿上有一块湿的污渍,透过空空的裤管,你可以看到他的膝盖,以及身体的其它部分是如何骨瘦如柴。

3.Now he looked around him to see wether the yellow stain which was intended to help rescue planes to spot him was still there .此处他四处看看有助于营救飞机发现他的黄色水迹是否还在。

4.They were both a pttle worse for wear, with Ms. Burnett sporting a six-inch wine stain on the front of her ivory dress.他俩都穿的挺糟糕,伯内特小姐穿着一条象牙白的裙子,前面有六英寸的酒渍。

5.The only way to get out that stain is to Bleach it out.去除斑点的唯一方法是漂白。

6.the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain.他拥有的唯一的能力就是摆脱他那另人讨厌的污点。

7.Fabrics treated can be made stain and dirt resistant and yet be allowed to 'breathe'.经过处理的纺织品可以防尘去污,而且仍然可以透气。

8.he wore an old sweater with a coffee stain down the front.他穿了件旧毛衣,前面有一片咖啡渍。

9.For a mild, stain-free bleach, soak your depcates in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing.柠檬汁和苏打粉的混合溶液就是不会产生污渍的温和漂白剂。在清洗之前,把衣服在这种溶液里浸泡半个小时即可。

10.You'll also be asked to come to a conclusion. The conclusion is, what you think is the correct source of the stain.您还需要得出结论。结论是你的想法是污点的正确来源。