




1.不要吸烟 ... Be careful your diet. 注意饮食。 Do not smoke. 不要吸烟。 There’s nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的? ...

2.不抽烟 多喝水; Drink more water. 不抽烟; Do not smoke. 少喝酒; Drink very pttle. ...

3.请勿吸烟 ... dish 碟,盘 Do Not Smoke 请勿吸烟 door closer 闭门器 ...

4.不允许抽烟 No smoke 不允许抽烟 do not smoke 不允许抽烟 No horse riding 禁止骑马 ...


1.Your attention please: For the sake of the health of you and the others, Please do not smoke in the train.乘客请注意:为了您和他人的健康,请不要在车厢内吸烟。多谢合作!

2.Do not smoke, he did not know leave for their own deeply guilty.不抽烟,他不知道离开自己深深有罪。

3.That similar things happen, think about it, if a youth was to say "no" , do not smoke a cigarette which, his power not to keep it?这样类似的事情时有发生,想一想,若当时某一青年说出“不”,不吸那一根烟,自己的权力不就保住了吗?

4.For two hours before going to bed do not drink coffee or alcohol, or do not smoke or exercise.睡觉前两个小时内不要喝咖啡或酒精饮料,不要抽烟或者锻炼身体。

5.Please keep the natatorium clean. Do not smoke , eat or drink in and along the swimming pool. Commit no nuisance.五请自觉维护馆内卫生,不得在泳池边吸烟,吃食物,喝饮料,不得在池内吐痰,大小便。

6.Lavatories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear. Please do not smoke in the lavatories.洗手间在飞机的前部和后部.在洗手间内请不要吸烟。

7.He will be up in the night, smoke point, do not smoke, cigarette butts red eyes, just for nostalgia.他会在深夜里起来,点上一支烟,不抽,眼睛看着红色的烟头,只为了怀恋。

8.info about tenant: UBC graduate student, healthy, male, do not smoke, drink, no pets, or other bad habits.租客情况:UBC研究生,男,身体健康,不吸烟,不喝酒,不养宠物,无其他不良嗜好。

9.although do not smoke, also contact smoking environment rarely, but often feel voice is uncomfortable, the eyewinker feels, breath not free.虽然不吸烟,也很少接触吸烟环境,但是经常感觉嗓子不舒适,有异物感,呼吸不畅。

10."Oh, Anatole, it is not good for you, " said Mary Pavlovna. "Please do not smoke. "“抽烟对你可不好哇,阿纳托里,”谢基尼娜说,“请你别抽了。”