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na.同“meals ready to eat”;“MREs”的变体

网络释义:联发科(MAUI Runtime Environment);快餐;磁流变弹性体(MR elastomers)


na.1.同“meals ready to eat”2.“MREs”的变体

na.1.Same as meals ready to eat2.The variant of MREs

1.联发科(MAUI Runtime Environment)选用5升水囊和1升水壶)、少量听装果汁、软包装野战快餐MRE)、木制餐具(避免发出声音且不易损坏)、可用来打发 …

3.磁流变弹性体(MR elastomers)磁流变弹性体(MRE); 颗粒结构; 磁场强度; 体积比Keywords: - 分类号: - DOI: - 文献标识码: A 摘要: 磁流变弹性体(MRE)的力学 …


1.We stopped for a while in one place, and an S&T pulled stacked over the top with MRE cases.我们在一个地方停了下来,一辆后勤运输车拉来了满满一车的自热野战食品。

2.By applying vibrations to the pver, MRE obtains images of the mechanical waves passing through the organ.对肝脏振动的同时,MRE可获得机械波穿透器官后所成的像。

3.The researchers confirmed that MRE accurately detects fibrosis with high sensitivity and specificity.研究表明,MRE在诊断肝纤维化上具有灵敏性和特异性。

4.This young girl was strong and samrt enough to prize her own conscience and character mre than the prize from a spelpng contest.小女孩是如此坚强聪明,与拼字比赛得奖相比,她更珍惜自己的良心和品德。

5.The closer they are to me, the mre I pke them.愈是跟我亲近的人,我愈是喜欢他们。

6.that is a picture of a waman, mre brown, and a girl, mary brown那是一张布朗太太和一个女孩玛丽布朗的照片