




1.做研究 67.从事…工作 work on 69.做研究 do research 70.把…归功于某人 own sth to sb ...

2.研究 go wrong 走错路;不对头;出毛病 do research 研究 be bad for 对......有害 ...

3.做学问 做小[ become a concubine] 做学问[ engage in scholarship;do research] 做眼[ act as secret agent] ...

4.搞研究 8、sb.marry sb. 某人娶某人(某人嫁给某人) 9、do research 搞研究 10、give off 散发;放出(光、热、气味) ...

5.做调查 in the beginning 首先, 开始 do research 做调查 go wrong 做错路, 误入歧途; 出毛病 ...

6.从事学术研究 【become a concubine】 当小老婆 【engage in scholarship;do research从事学术研究 ...

7.作研究 ... carry on doing sth. 解释为“进行……继续进行……” do research 作研究 catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意 ...

8.进行研究 do a job 做工作 do research 进行研究 do the shopping 购物 ...


1.Unfortunately, the more I've learned, the more I began to reapze that I still don't know enough to do research by myself.但不幸的是,我学得越多,就越发了解到我所知道的仍然不足以独立做研究。

2.Still, the point of bond rating agencies is to do research on securities that other investors may not know well.当然,债券评级机构的意义在于研究其他投资者未必十分了解的债券。

3.Emperor Akihito, an avid scientist, said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or "to take long walks. "渴望成为一名科学家的明仁天皇说,有时候他希望自己能有更多的时间做做研究或“散散步”。

4.What Merck is trying to do is put a different model together that says we are going to do research differently.他表示:“默克正努力将各种不同的模式整合到一起,就是说我们要以不同的方式来进行研发工作。”

5.How do you know how much protein you're eating if you don't count it and do research.你不数数或者调查怎么知道自己吃进多少蛋白质呢。

6.It's more fun to do research and help others do research if you care about the field (or at least some aspect of it).如果你关注这个领域(或者至少是其中的某些方面)的话,自己做一些研究工作、帮助他人做研究工作,是非常有趣的事情。

7.Even when a charity is authentic, experts say that you still need to do research to make sure that the money will be well spent.专家们认为,即使当这个慈善机构是真实的,你还是要做一些调查以确保这笔钱将花得值得。

8.However, I felt that none of them really addressed the questions that had led me to do research in cosmology and quantum theory.然而,我觉得它们之中的任何一本都未真正提到那些导致我研究宇宙学和量子理论的动机的问题。

9.By far the best way for investors to protect the money they put into the securities markets is to do research and ask questions.到目前为止,投资者保护其投资到证券市场的资产的最有效的方法是进行调查研究,多发现问题。

10.If you're not a computer tinkerer, and you're not wilpng to do research and digging, it may not be for you.如果你不喜欢鼓捣计算机,也不喜欢深入研究,那Ubuntu就不适合于你。