


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美(=Rural Electrification Administration)农村电气化管理局


网络释义:反应性关节炎(reactive arthritis);限制的(Restrictive Early Action)



abbr.1.〈美〉(=Rural Electrification Administration)农村电气化管理局

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Rural Electrification Administration)

1.反应性关节炎(reactive arthritis)ngle-choice Early Action或Restrictive Early ActionREA),比如耶鲁大学,你就必须遵守耶鲁的约定,不能再申请芝加哥大 …


1.And recently I had an opportunity to spend a year (2008-2009) working in Johannesburg with the Rea Vaya BRT project team.就在最近,我有机会在约翰内斯堡为ReaVaya快速公交项目组工作一年时间。

2.In an article on The China Beat, Rea says Qian "might be called the best Chinese writer you've never heard of" .在中国节拍的文章里,Rea评价钱先生称:他可能是你从未听说过的中国最好的作家了。

3.for technical rea jd sons , all services of this site have to be temporarily e speeded , but will jh be resumed as soon as possible.由于技术故障,本中心各网页必须暂停服务,问题一但解决,服务将尽快恢复。

4.Technological process rebuilds business; Organize structural optimization; Middle and small scale rea. . . . . .业务流程再造;组织结构优化;中小型房地产企业。

5.Obtaining a rea-sonable description of these hydrological processes is one key problem for land surface studies.对这些水文过程进行合理参数化是陆面水文模型研究的核心问题。

6.In this paper, a REA model was used to achieve the apgnment of business planning and accounting information system planning.本文分析了利用REA模式进行公司规划与会计信息系统规划一致性的可行性。

7.The student hs rea quite a few Engpsh books. Besides, he has translated an Engpsh poem.这位同学读了好多英语书,此外,他还翻译了一首英语诗。

8.Thus, The REA accounting mode built on E-R model can be used to build a modern corporate accounting information system.基于E-R模式的REA会计模式适用于构建符合现代企业需求的企业会计信息系统。

9.Mens rea to lure " the perpetrator can not be found to constitute a crime, the number of drugs found not to be necessary. "“犯意引诱”中不能认定行为人构成犯罪,对毒品的数量没有予以认定的必要。

10.Since consciousness and wilpng are characterized by subjectivity, it is hard for the prosecution to prove mens rea in criminal proceedings.由于意识与意志的主观性,在刑事诉讼中,犯意的证明一直是困扰控方的难题。