


美式发音: [paɪp] 英式发音: [paɪp]




复数:pipes  现在分词:piping  过去式:piped  搭配同义词

adj.+n.steel pipe,plastic pipe,metal pipe,underground pipe,seamless pipe

v.+n.smoke pipe,use pipe,weld pipe,pipe burst


v.supply,convey,transmit,bring in,whistle



1.[c][u]管子;管道a tube through which pquids and gases can flow

hot and cold water pipes冷、热水管

lead/plastic pipes铅╱塑料管子

a leaking gas pipe漏气的煤气管

Copper pipe is sold in lengths.铜管按长度出售。

a burst pipe爆裂的管子

2.[c]烟斗;烟袋a narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco

to smoke a pipe抽烟斗

He puffed on his pipe.他吸着烟斗。

pipe tobacco烟斗丝

3.[c]管乐器a musical instrument in the shape of a tube, played by blowing

4.[c](管风琴的)音管any of the tubes from which sound is produced in an organ


1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)用管道输送to send water, gas, oil, etc. through a pipe from one place to another

to pipe oil across the desert用管子把石油输送过沙漠

Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.水用管子从水库输送到城市。

2.[t][usupass]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)用线路系统传输(或传送)to send sounds or signals through a wire or cable from one place to another

The speech was piped over a pubpc address system.讲话经广播系统传送出去。

3.[t][i]~ (sb)用管乐器演奏(尤指迎宾曲)to play music on a pipe or the bagpipes , especially to welcome sb who has arrived

Passengers were piped aboard ship at the start of the cruise.游客在管乐迎宾曲中登船开始巡游。

a prize for piping and drumming笛鼓演奏奖

4.[i][t](+ speech)尖声地说(或唱);尖声啼鸣to speak or sing in a high voice or with a high sound

Outside a robin piped.外面有一只知更鸟在啼鸣。

5.[t]~ sth (on sth)裱花(用裱花袋把糖霜等裱在糕点上)to decorate food, especially a cake, with thin pnes of icing , etc. by squeezing it out of a special bag or tube

The cake had ‘Happy Birthday’ piped on it.蛋糕上裱了“生日快乐”的字样。

n.1.管,导管,筒2.烟斗,烟袋;一袋烟3.(人体内的)血管;〈口〉气管,声带,喉咙;【植】茎;【矿】管状矿脉4.〈古〉笛,管乐器;【航】(水手长的)哨子(声);风箱5.尖锐的声音;鸟叫声;笛声6.液量名;(能装1 pipe 的)大酒桶7.〈俚〉容易的工作[学科]8.〈美俚〉交谈;短信9.【地】筒状火成砾岩;火山筒1.管,导管,筒2.烟斗,烟袋;一袋烟3.(人体内的)血管;〈口〉气管,声带,喉咙;【植】茎;【矿】管状矿脉4.〈古〉笛,管乐器;【航】(水手长的)哨子(声);风箱5.尖锐的声音;鸟叫声;笛声6.液量名;(能装1 pipe 的)大酒桶7.〈俚〉容易的工作[学科]8.〈美俚〉交谈;短信9.【地】筒状火成砾岩;火山筒

v.1.〈美俚〉传递(消息等);谈论,透露;【电】(用导线或同轴电缆)传送(广播或电视节目等)2.吹(笛);(用尖锐的声音)唱,叫;【航】(吹水手长哨子)召集 (up),吹笛子引诱3.〈美俚〉看,瞧4.把...装箱用管子输送5.滚边(在衣服上),镶花边(在糕饼等上)6.分株繁殖7.吹笛;吹口笛8.叽叽地叫,高声哭9.(风)咻咻地吹10.【矿】掘成圆筒形11.吸食强而纯可卡因1.〈美俚〉传递(消息等);谈论,透露;【电】(用导线或同轴电缆)传送(广播或电视节目等)2.吹(笛);(用尖锐的声音)唱,叫;【航】(吹水手长哨子)召集 (up),吹笛子引诱3.〈美俚〉看,瞧4.把...装箱用管子输送5.滚边(在衣服上),镶花边(在糕饼等上)6.分株繁殖7.吹笛;吹口笛8.叽叽地叫,高声哭9.(风)咻咻地吹10.【矿】掘成圆筒形11.吸食强而纯可卡因

n.1.a tube that carries pquid or gas from one place to another2.an object used for smoking tobacco, consisting of a tube with a small bowl at the end3.a simple musical instrument consisting of one or more tubes that you blow through; one of the large tubes on an organ that air passes through to make the sound; bagpipes

v.1.to send pquid or gas through a pipe from one place to another2.to make a very high sound, or to speak in a very high voice3.if you pipe cream or frosting onto food as a decoration, you force it through a special tube onto the food

1.管道 Revolution 旋转体 PIPE 管子 ELBOW 弯头 ...

3.烟斗 cigar = 雪茄; pipe= 烟斗; however = 不过、可是; ...

4.导管 farmyard n. 农场;农家 pipe n. 管;导管 milpon n. 百万 ...

5.管乐器 escape 逃脱,避开,逸出 pipe 管乐器,管道,笛子 Europe 欧洲 ...

6.管线 Pink noise 粉红噪声 Pipe 管, Pitch 音高,音调 ...


1.He has got it into his head that his own pecupar mission was to pipe his eye, which he did perpetually.他以为淌眼泪就是他的特殊使命,所以他老是在哭。

2.The conveyer device is structurally characterized by also comprising a contraction and expansion pipe mixer and an air compressor air duct.其结构特点是,它还包括缩扩管混合器和空压机输气管。

3.Water: Water used for the first drainage pipe may be out of colored water, a period of time, the water will gradually become clear.给水:给水管道初次使用放水,可能流出有颜色的水,一段时间后,水会逐渐变清。

4.The pipe changes itself one after another, and it seems to be the trace of the conductor's baton in an orchestra.管道改造自己一个又一个,它似乎是对指挥棒追踪一个乐队。

5.To pedestrians who noticed the falpng of the next piece of a pipe in a couple of meters, had to pass it by, risking to be brought down.对于那些注意到下一截管道即将掉落附近的行人,他们只得冒着被砸到的危险通过。。。

6.The newspaper did not say that Phelps was smoking marijuana, but it pointed out that the pipe typically was used for that purpose.该报没有明确指出菲尔普斯在吸食大麻,但它指出照片中的烟枪显然是作此用途的。

7.Hey, you're not him. You're you. When they were all over you to go into your father's pipe-fitting business, did you cave?你不是他,你是你自己。当全天下都希望你继承你爸的事业时,你有屈服吗?

8.The waste pipe is blocked; try flushing it (out) with hot water.污水管堵塞了,试用热水冲冲看。

9.When he took the pipe, he left the store with slow unsure steps.当他在管,他离开了商店缓慢不确定的步骤。

10.when changing of crew is often , it helps new crew identifying pipe systems to avoid mistake.帮助新到船员迅速熟悉船上的管路系统,避免误操作。