





1.莫高窟 ... ) Dunhuang grottoes art 敦煌石窟艺术 ) Dunhuang caves 敦煌石窟 ) Dunhuang art 敦煌艺术 ...

4.敦煌莫高窟莫高窟 ... 白马塔( White Horse Pagoda) (Dunhuang Caves俗称千佛洞, 干佛灵岩之莫高窟( Mogao Caves) ...


1.Characteristics and practical significance of The Illustrations of Moxibustion in Dunhuang Caves were studied and analyzed.探讨分析敦煌石窟《灸法图》的特点及现实意义。

2.Gansu province is an important part on the ancient Silk Road. Aside from this, it also has Dunhuang Caves . . .甘肃省是古代丝绸之路重要的一部分。除了丝绸之路,还有敦煌石窟,是世界壁画艺术的宝库。甘肃不仅有迷人的…

3.The inspiration of the space arrangement came from the Dunhuang Caves .空间布置的灵感来自敦煌石窟。

4.Part of caves dated Northern Zhou period at Dunhuang Caves Temple.敦煌莫高窟北周洞窟。

5.He went to Dunhuang of Gansu in person to inspect the protection work of the Dunhuang Caves in 1957 and offered his cogitative suggestions.1957年他亲自到甘肃敦煌视察敦煌石窟保护工作,提出自己深思熟虑的建议。

6.The origin and the locapzation process of Flying apsarasinthe Dunhuang caves are discussed in the first section.第一部分是飞天的起源以及莫高窟飞天艺术的本土化进程。

7.The Collection, Recording and Reorganization of Literature of the Dunhuang Caves before 19491949年前敦煌文学的收集、著录和整理

8.Consideration of Security Project of The Dunhuang Caves敦煌石窟安防工程建设的若干思考

9.Choice of Large Scale Digital Show of Dunhuang Caves敦煌石窟壁画大型数字展示技术选择