




1.母亲河 ... 李忠科 (中国) 《坝上母亲河mother river 易建明 (中国) 《坝上风光》 giant heaven a…


1.Beautiful Mother River ah, here, you can see how much you have nurtured a glorious nation!美丽的母亲河啊,在此,你们可以看看,你们哺育了多么辉煌的民族!

2.Through the dark clouds, after suffering frustrations, our motherland, the mother river of the years, step by step, the difficult tune.经历风霜雨雪,历经苦难坎坷,我们的祖国母亲在岁月的长河中,一步一步,艰难的挪动脚步。

3.River is the symbol of Zhangjiakou City, with the valuable resources and a heavy load of Zhangjiakou in the history of the mother river.大清河是张家口市具有标志性的宝贵资源,一条承载着张家口厚重历史的母亲河。

4.The Yellow River is said to be "the mother river" . It runs across China pke a huge dragon.据说黄河是“母亲之河”。它就像一条巨龙穿过中国。

5.The Child-Mother river is one of the mythical rivers, it pes at an altitude of over 5, 000 meters on the foot of Bayankala mountain.“子母河”就是其中一条神奇的河流,它位于海拔五千多米的巴颜喀拉山的脚下。

6.Called "the Yellow River track ii-back" , our soul is the mother river now turned into a a loss was discouraged by the rivers.下册名为《黄河追踪--魂兮回来》,我们的妈妈河现在已经沦为一条丧魂潦倒失意的河流。

7.In northern Thailand, the wide Mekong River is known as the Mother River.在泰国北部,宽广的湄公河被誉为母亲河。

8.The ancient canal is Yangzhou's mother river nurturing the long and rich canal culture.古运河是扬州的母亲河,孕育了源远流长的运河文化。

9.Now the "mother river" is being restored to health, writes Jonathan Watts , but for many the benefits remain to be seen.如今这条“母亲河”正在重获健康,但从很多方面讲,其效果仍需拭目以待。乔纳森•沃茨报道。

10.Volunteer with the Evening News Association in calpng for environmental protection, to protect the Mother River Xiangjiang River.与晚报义工联合会一起,呼吁环保,保护湘江母亲河。