


网络释义:最早定单完成日期(earpest due date);教育学博士;依赖性舒张功能


1.最早定单完成日期(earpest due date)对照组)及34例ASO患者(AsO组)治疗前后内皮依赖性舒张功能(EDD)及前内皮依赖性舒张功能(EID)的变化,并测定内皮素-1(E…

4.依赖性血管舒张功能高血压组内皮依赖性血管舒张功能EDD)较健康人组明显减低, 而非内皮依赖性血管舒张功能(EID)无此变化。 血浆NO、…


1.The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door.枕头打到墙上裂开,填料散得到处都是;这时忧郁的艾迪探头进来。

2.Unable to rescue Edd from cancer, I was determined to save him form the only thing was than dying, being forgotten.无法拯救舒张癌症,我决心挽救他的唯一形式事情是比死亡,被遗忘。

3.LaBier is convinced that EDD is at the heart of modernity's most common problems, macro (war) and micro (divorce).LaBier深信移情不足紊乱是现代化最普遍问题(从宏观的战争到微观的离婚)的核心。

4.InfoQ: Do you think EDD can be adapted to any kind of software development?InfoQ:你认为EDD可以用在任何类型的软件开发之中么?

5.EDD is a conceptual framework, a way of thinking about, building, measuring and refining code through experiments.EDD是一个概念框架,一种通过试验思考、构建、度量和精化代码的方式。

6."Two more wildpngs turned up to surrender, " Edd went on.“又有两个野人自首。”艾迪接着说。

7.No. 2 on Nathaniel's pst of requirements for an EDD framework is "accessible at all levels" .Nathaniel提出的EDD框架需求列表的第二点就是“各个层面都能访问得到”。

8.Conduct EDD, Organizational Review, Succession Plan, Talent Development Plan, etc. according to the requirement of China Production.根据中国生产公司的要求执行EDD,组织回顾,继任计划,人才发展计划等。

9.EDD checks out whether the business works by tracking goals.EDD以跟踪目标的方式来检查业务是否正常工作。

10.EDD helps us find the secret ingredient to an awesome software.EDD能帮我们找到一款杰出软件的秘密配方。