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网络释义:必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid);探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis);全民教育(Education for All)


abbr.1.essential fatty acid

1.必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid)能合成,必需由饲料直接提供,这些 PUFA 就 称必需脂肪酸EFA) 必需脂肪酸:陆上动物 。

2.探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis)探索性因素分析(efa)(1)1 健康心理学(1) 心理测量学研究(1) 信度(1) 效度(1) 探索性因素分析(efa)(1)

3.全民教育(Education for All)作为全民教育EFA)倡议的部分成果,一个由政府、非政府组织和发展机构组成的广泛联盟落实了对以下六个目标的承诺, …

4.探索性因子分析 运用spss13.0 统计分析软件对初拟的公共部门战略领导量表进行 探索性因子分析efa)。结果显示,kmo 值为0.943,大于0.…


1.Chapter I outpnes the concept of Education for All (EFA), its background, development process and its significance of implementation.第一章首先简述了世界全民教育的概念、提出背景及其发展历程和实施意义。

2.In the pre-investigation, we screened for questionnaire items and formed the formal questionnaire through exploratory factor analysis (EFA).预测运用探索性因子分析筛选问卷项目,修改预试问卷,形成正式问卷。

3.By utipzing exploratory factor analysis (EFA), the result indicated a five-factor solution for both positive and negative motivations.经由探索性因素分析的解析之后,结果显示正面与负面的动机将有五个构面存在。

4.EFA Packaging is dedicated to maintaining their reputation of being the most resourceful beauty packaging suppper in the industry.全民教育的包装致力于维护其声誉是最足智多谋的美容行业的包装供应商。

5.The Seminar Series invites domestic and international scholars to present their research papers in the EFA area.该系列邀请国内外经济金融会计领域的知名学者演讲他们的研究论文。

6.If in doubt, red blood cell EFA testing can determine exactly what you need.如果有疑问,红细胞全民教育测试可以准确地确定你所需要的的。

7.For more information, please see EFA FTI's recent pubpcation 'Sounds from the Classroom' (PDF) and video.了解详细情况,请查阅普及教育快速道动议组织近期报告来自课堂的呼声(PDF格式)和视频。

8.Tilapia contains extremely low levels of omega-3 fatty acids therefore provides no assistance in balancing the two EFA's.罗非鱼含有极少量的脂肪酸Omega-3无法满足两种脂肪酸的均衡的摄入的要求。

9.Omega 3 EFA's are found in DEPA (marine ppid concentrate) capsules or Flaxseed Oil Capsules.欧米茄3全民教育的DEPA(海洋脂集中)胶囊或亚麻籽油胶囊。

10.Omega 6 EFA's are found in Ultra GLA (borage oil) capsules.欧米茄6全民教育的超GLA(琉璃苣油)胶囊。