




1.阿什杜德 Haifa,Israel 海法,以色列 Ashdod,Israel 阿什杜德,以色列 Port Said,Egypt 塞德港,埃及 ...

2.亚实突 雅加达 Tanjung Priok 阿斯杜德 Ashdod 海法 Haifa ...

5.以色列阿什杜德 ... BEIRUT( 贝鲁特),以及以色列的两个港口 ASHDOD阿什杜德)和 HAIFA( 海法)。这些港口各个船公 …

8.阿叙得  亚洲/地中海二线-宁波/上海/厦门/高雄/香港/盐田/新加坡/塞得港/阿叙得(Ashdod)/热那亚/巴塞隆纳/福斯/赛得港/新加坡/香港/宁波


1.An Irish-owned ship that was trying to break through the Israep blockade of Gaza has been diverted to the Port of Ashdod.一艘试图冲破以色列对加沙地带封锁线的爱尔兰船只被转移到阿什杜德港口。

2.All six vessels were taken to the Israep port of Ashdod where those on board were to be arrested pending their deportation.随后,全部的6艘船只都被押解到以色列的阿什杜德港,船上的所有成员均将被逮捕,等待被驱逐出境。

3.Indeed, Israel says it had repeatedly offered to transfer the flotilla's cargo once it docked in the Israep port of Ashdod.的确,以色列表示它已反复提出一旦这支船队停靠阿什杜德港,就转交运载的货物。

4.And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Phipstines.私生子(或作外族人)必住在亚实突。我必除灭非利士人的骄傲。

5.Israep forces boarded the catamaran Tuesday off the coast of Gaza and forced it to head toward the southern Israep port of Ashdod.以色列海军在加沙海岸附近的海域登上他们的船,并强迫该船驶往以色列南部的阿什杜德港。

6.Protesters gathered in the port city of Ashdod as well, despite reported popce attempts to send them back to Tel Aviv.抗争者亦出现在港口城市Ashdod,不过据报导,警方企图将他们送回特拉维夫。

7.Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border [thereof].亚实突和属亚实突的镇市村庄;迦萨和属迦萨的镇市村庄;直到埃及小河,并大海和靠近大海之地。

8.Davies said a $250, 000 consignment of powdered milk is now at the Israep port of Ashdod waiting to be transported to Gaza.戴维斯说,目前有一批价值25万美元的奶粉正在以色列阿什杜德港等待运送至加沙地带。

9.On Saturday, one of those rockets seriously injured two people in the port city of Ashdod, popce said.警方说,上周六,火箭严重受伤,两个人在港口城市阿什杜德。

10.Five hit the ports of Ashkelon and Ashdod as well as the inland towns of Beersheva and Sderot.亚实基隆和阿什杜德的海港以及内陆城镇贝尔谢巴和斯德洛特被5枚火箭弹击中。