


网络释义:谷歌网页工具包(Google Web Toolkit);吕震中本


1.谷歌网页工具包(Google Web Toolkit)Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 是一个Java软件开发框架用于开发类似于Google Maps和Gmail的AJAX应用程序。GWT的设计参考…



1.There's nothing particularly unusual about that, but as you'll see in a moment, GWT uses those identifiers as a place to put elements.这方面没有什么特别不寻常的东西,但随后您会看到,GWT将这些标识符用作放置元素的地方。

2.However, GWT is something of an all-or-nothing approach, targeted at a relatively small niche in Web apppcation development market.但是,GWT并不是万能的,它针对的只是Web应用程序开发市场中一个相对狭窄的市场。

3.GWT: If I were hungry, I would not tell you, because the world and all that it contains are mine.新译本:如果我饿了,我也不用对你说;因为世界和其中所充满的,都是我的。

4.In the meantime, head over to the GWT download site and try it out for yourself.现在,去访问GWT下载站点,亲自动手试试吧。

5.When running tests, you must pass in at least one VM argument to help specify which GWT mode (hosted or Web) to run the test in.运行测试时,您必须至少传递一个VM参数,指明在哪种GWT模式(托管或Web)下运行测试。

6.As of this writing, advanced tool support for GWT is beginning to emerge in the major Java development environments.撰写本文时,对GWT的高级工具支持已经开始出现在主流的Java开发环境中。

7.GWT: But he moved on, and now there is no trace of him.吕震中本:我(传统:他)从那里经过,阿,已经没有了;

8.GWT requires an asynchronous version of any interface that's going to be invoked from the cpent.GWT需要使用从客户机调用的所有接口的异步版本。

9.Cypal Studio for GWT has a couple of handy features to make it even easier for you to create and manage a remote connection.CypalStudioforGWT有一些便捷的特性,使您可以更轻松地创建和管理远程连接。

10.The entry point into a GWT apppcation is a Java class whose compiled JavaScript is the script for a given page.GWT应用程序的入口点是一个Java类,它的已编译JavaScript是针对特定页面的脚本。